"The Batman" (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  动作  冒险
  • 剧       情
    A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis ...


  • Bane: The Batman, I presume? Batman: The masked look must really be catching on. Bane: Defeat me, and I will allow you to remove it. Batman: Hate to disappoint, but I don't fight for sport. Bane: Then fight for your life! Catwoman: Hate to cut our first date short, cutie, but I like to leave a man wanting more. Detective Ellen Yin: Police! Freeze! Mr. Freeze: As you wish... Mr. Freeze: Have an ice evening. Batman: We both know you put yourself on ice. I'm here to bring on the thaw. Batman: Enough with the act. Lose the dummy. Scarface: I would, but he keeps following me around! The Joker: Don't make me slap you, Jack! Get it? Jack? Slap Jack? [laughs maniaclly] The Joker: Sorry Batman, but Joker always laughs last. The Penguin: That's it, my pretties. Show me the money! Alfred Pennyworth: The young man you were expecting apologizes. He won't be able to attend, I'm afraid. Becky: Let me guess. He's married. Alfred Pennyworth: To his work. Batman: If Catwoman were somehow, some way able to trace the signal back here - Alfred Pennyworth: We would have to rename it "The Catcave". The Penguin: Please, now that all pretenses are off, call me Penguin - a flightless bird, but one with style. Batman: The reviews are in, Joker, your show's a flop. Rupert Thorne: How-How'd you do that? Batman: I'm The Batman. Detective Ethan Bennett: You're through, Joker! The Joker: Ah, Detective, or should I say, Night Watchman. Detective Ethan Bennett: Oh, so you remember me now? The Joker: I've never forget a face I've tormented. Bruce Wayne: First day, Ethan. Nervous? Detective Ethan Bennett: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I was a cop for six years, Bruce. You think I can't handle staring at a monitor? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [steps into a room with monitor covered walls] Detective Ethan Bennett: Whoa! Bruce Wayne: Make that 350 monitors. The Joker: Detective Bennett ... You're Clayface? Clayface: You turned me into Clay! The Joker: Funny, I was trying to turn you into dust. Detective Ellen Yin: [about Clayface] He could be anywhere. Bruce Wayne: He could be anyone. The Penguin: [seeing Joker as The Batman] Joker? The Joker: I'm The Batman! The Penguin: You see the thing is ... you're *not*! The Joker: The eggs, Penguin, or I scramble you! The Penguin: Are you out of your gourd? I'm in the middle of a heist! You don't see me barging in on your "Gas all of Gotham" schemes, do you? It is called professional courtesy! Batman: [about Killer Croc's plan] Tens of thousands will be killed. Killer Croc: And I'll shed a crocodile tear for each and every one of 'em. The Penguin: [to Man-Bat] What are you? And what do bats have against me, anyway? Firefly: You shouldn't play with Firefly! Batman: Keep a lookout. Detective Ellen Yin: [scoffs] I thought I was your partner. Batman: But you're not my sidekick. Poison Ivy: You're getting to be a real thorn in my side, Batman. Batman: And you're no rose, Poison Ivy. Ragdoll: Kitten's got claws. Catwoman: [cracks her whip] Kitten's got a whip! The Joker: [upon noticing Hugo Strange] What a coinky dink! I wanted to talk about the Arkham diet. Too. Many. Nuts. The Joker: He didn't even ask about Yin-In-The-Box. Batman: And to think here I thought earthquakes struck without warning. Temblor: Buddy, you just dialed "D" for destruction! Commissioner James Gordon: Set up a perimeter. If Mr. Quake so much as breathes, I want someone there to tell me what he had for lunch. Barbara Gordon: Pam, you hired a thug! Pamela Isley: Yeah, you'd be surprised what you can find on the Internet. Poison Ivy: Who knew you had a sidekick? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Batman 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I don't. Batman: Let me make myself clear. There's no room for a Batgirl in Gotham. Batgirl: That's cool, because it's Batwoman. As in I'm a grown woman and I don't need to listen to you. Batman: Then for your own safety, if you don't listen to me, I'm going to have tell your father, Ms. Gordon. Batgirl: Ah... You must have me confused with some else. [silent for a second] Batgirl: Dude! You just broke the superhero secret identity code. Catwoman: [to Batgirl, about Batman] I bet he never lets you drive. Batgirl: He barely lets me sidekick! The Joker: Knock-knock! Killgore Steed: [opening the door] Evening, Joker. The Joker: [disappointed] You're supposed to say, "Who's there?" The Joker: [to Punch and Judy] You two don't count -- you're not sidekicks, you're goons. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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