Vares - Yksityisetsivä (2004)

  • 芬兰
  • |
  • 动作  惊悚
  • 片       名Vares - Yksityi...
  • 上映时间2004年07月23日
  • 导       演 Aleksi M&#...


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  • /a> Mikko Koitere: Why aren't we moving? Are we gonna stay here? Pirre, Koitereen vaimo: Stop it. Mikko Koitere: Stop what? Pirre, Koitereen vaimo: That. Mikko Koitere: What 'that'? Don't take that doggyface now. What do I have to stop? Speak Finnish! What do I have to stop? Pirre, Koitereen vaimo: Don't do this, I don't want to talk when Jaakko is here, we'll talk later... Mikko Koitere: Hey, if we're not moving we're gonna talk. Don't take that doggyface! Pirre, Koitereen vaimo: Don't get pissed! Mikko Koitere: I'm not getting pissed, I'm talking very calmly, I'm asking what's wrong with you. And what do I have to stop? What do I have to stop? What? What what what what? What the hell is wrong with you now? I've had a fucking hard day without that doggyface and sulking... Pirre, Koitereen vaimo: You know what? Forget it! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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