"Hot Wheels Highway 35 World Race" (2003)

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"Hot Wheels Highway 35 World Race"


  • [after Tezla divulges that the winner of the World Race will receive $5 million] Vert: Way cool! What would you do if you had that kind of money? Taro: I do, and I've done it. Vert: Hey, you're uh Taro Kitano right? Somebody told me you ski'ed down Mt. Everest once? Taro: Twice. I'm gonna pass you. Vert: That's what you think. [moments before screwing up] Taro: I'm gonna pass you. Kadeem: You're going to try! [they tie] Taro: This time, no tie! Kadeem: No tie indeed! When I win. Banjee: Hey Taro, guess what! I'm gonna pass *you*! Taro: Not today. [Banjee manages a last minute save but its not the end of the race] Tezla: World Race drivers, start your engines! Zed-36: A shortcut, cut short. Gollorum: Good bye Kurt Wylde. It was a pleasure using you. Kadeem: [sighs] I thought I'd found the wheel. But I was wrong. It was only that I wanted so much to find it; to win the race. Haziz: That is the greatest danger. To see only what you want to see and not what is true. Kadeem: I want to win, yes. But not just for myself, to get the money our people need... Haziz: Our people need not what is yours but you! They need you to lead them. Kadeem: Is that why you're here? To tell me that? Haziz: You're telling it to yourself... [Kadeem wakes from his vision] Kurt: Nobody beats Kurt Wylde! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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