
某些东西最好不要复兴,用化石DNA复活的自然界最可怕食肉动物是科学家将采取的行动,一头剑齿虎,这种野心是致命的,这头剑齿虎逃走后,开始掠杀人类…… ============================================================ 这是一部科...更多>


Catherine Viciy: This animal deserves a chance to live! Bob Thatcher: It had a chance... 10,000 years ago. Kara Harmon: He could be right behind me and I wouldn't even know it! Trent Parks: I don't think I want to go camping anymore. Let's do something a little more peaceful... like bungee jumping, or sky diving! Trent Parks: We got to get out of here. Casey Ballenger: Where's Lola? Trent, where is she? You left her behind? Trent Parks: It had her. There was nothing I could do. It's one of those dinosaurs. Casey Ballenger: What? Trent Parks: Those tigers with the teeth. Casey Ballenger: A sabretooth? Bob Thatcher: What? Leon Tingel: You're talking crazy, man. They're extinct. Bob Thatcher: No, you look. This is all yours. Catherine Viciy: Look, I didn't know. I thought I was doing something great! Bob Thatcher: Great for Catherine. Casey Ballenger: At least we'll be safe if we're attacked by boards. Trent Parks: That's called humor, right? Leon Tingel: Trent, Trent, who is that? Trent Parks: That's your fearless leader on this trip the Ice Queen. Leon Tingel: Yeah, maybe I can warm her up. Jason: Excuse me. Umm, what type of facilities will we have on this shindig? Casey Ballenger: Facilities? Jason: Yeah. You know for like, bathing, scrubbing, stuff like that. Trent Parks: He wants to know where the bathrooms are. Jason: Yeah. Casey Ballenger: Welcome to the great outdoors. Trent Parks: Where the world is your toilet. Lola Rodriguez: Poor guy, how'd you get roped into this? Jason: My mom said I was spending too much time in front of the computer. So I told her I'd go virtual camping. She told me she'd give me a virtual beating and I don't know. She said the fresh air would do me some good. I don't know if there's enough air up here to be fresh, though. Trent Parks: You can't baby 'em. Casey: I'm doing the training this year. Trent Parks: You might as well do it right. Casey: Are you gonna criticize everything I do? Lola Rodriguez: Are you two gonna fight like this the whole time? Jeez, I might as well be at my house. Trent Parks: Do it your way. Leon Tingel: He's an asshole, anyway. Trent Parks:


He's just trying to get in your pants, Casey. Casey: Yeah, well maybe he will. Catherine Viciy: Do you think you can find it? Bob Thatcher: How much lead time does it have? Anthony Bricklin: About four hours. You can catch it easily. Bob Thatcher: A big cat like that can cover a lot of territory. It could be anywhere by now. Anthony Bricklin: But you can catch it. Bob Thatcher: Oh, yeah, I can find it. Catherine Viciy: Then we should get started. I'll get my things. Bob Thatcher: Oh, no, I do this alone. Catherine Viciy: Not this time. Anthony Bricklin: Believe me, you'll find it useful to have us around. Bob Thatcher: You want to come too? You're just gonna slow me down. Catherine Viciy: Then you'll be slowed down. Bob Thatcher: Maybe I'll just pass. Anthony Bricklin: Is this about your fee? I am prepared to be generous. Bob Thatcher: You know, everything is not always about money, Anthony. Anthony Bricklin: Don't be preposterous, of course it is. Casey Ballenger: That's not funny, Leon! Leon Tingel: Yes, it is. What're you talking about? Lola Rodriguez: I hope you fall, GI Joke. Anthony Bricklin: This thing must weigh 120 lbs. Bob Thatcher: You wanted to come along. Anthony Bricklin: Yeah, but it's my safari. Catherine Viciy: Stop whining, Anthony, and let's go. Anthony Bricklin: You're meant to be on my side. Catherine Viciy: No, you're supposed to be on my side. Anthony Bricklin: And who's side are you on? Kara Harmon: Her side, of course. Anthony Bricklin: I hate the poor. Trent Parks: Truth or dare? Lola Rodriguez: Dare. No, I want truth. Trent Parks: You ever slept with a girl? Casey Ballenger: Okay, I'm going to bed. I'm kind of tired. Lola Rodriguez: No. Have you? Catherine Viciy: Would you stop pacing? Anthony Bricklin: Look, you do what you do, I'll do what I do. I pace, you probably ride a broomstick. Trent Parks: You okay? Casey Ballenger: I'll be all right once we get off this mountain. Bob Thatcher: They split here. The campers go that way, the cat goes that way.


Catherine Viciy


: Then that's where we go. Bob Thatcher: Wrong. Catherine Viciy: We follow the cat. Bob Thatcher: You do what you want. I'll do what I got to do. Catherine Viciy: Come on, Anthony, we're going to find that cat. Anthony Bricklin: Maybe we should stick together. Catherine Viciy: Don't tell me you're afraid. Anthony Bricklin: Of course not, but it's getting dark, and I think it'd be wiser to stick together. Catherine Viciy: I thought you had a pair, Anthony. Anthony Bricklin: I do and I'd like to keep them. Catherine Viciy: A satellite phone! Glad to see you finally made it to the twenty-first century. Bob Thatcher: Yeah, but I went kickin' and screamin'. Anthony Bricklin: Good god, you've got enough gear there to track a Yeti across Siberia. Bob Thatcher: Well, you wanted to take it alive. Anthony Bricklin: Yes, but I'm rethinking that as I speak! Bob Thatcher: I'm gonna kill your fuckin' cat. Catherine: I will not let you kill my creation.


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