
  • Lex Luthor: How did you manage to break in there without anyone catching you? Clark Kent: Just lucky I guess. Lex Luthor: Well you are the luckiest person I know. Let's hope it doesn't run out by tomorrow. Clark Kent: Lex, have you ever wondered if you were destined to be with someone? Dr. Helen Bryce: Who are you? Lex Luthor: Someone who's been burned by the opposite sex more times than I'd like to count. Dr. Helen Bryce: It took me five dates to figure out you were delusional. Lionel Luthor: Lex, have I done anything in the recent past to offend you? Lex Luthor: There are so many ways I could answer that. Lex Luthor: You know that darkness you talked about Clark? I think it's in everyone and people like my father just know how to bring it out. Chloe Sullivan: Everyone has their secrets Clark. Chloe Sullivan: Clark has more issues than Rolling Stones. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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