
  • Neil Shaw: You can never spend too much on good intelligence. Bly: Or a good hooker. Capella: D'you ever watch wresting Ray? Ray: Errr. Sure. I mean you know, now and then. Capella: Cuz this is just like wrestling. Ray: How? Capella: Well it's reality, mixed with illusion, mixed with bullshit, mixed with... big scary guys from parts unknown, in dire need of psychiatric care. Julia Fang: Do they train you to be this vague, or is it a gift? Bly: I always enjoy it when an opponent raises the level of play. Bly: By the time we're done with you, we're going to make Lee Harvey Oswald look like a fucking boy scout. Eleanor Hooks: Appearances are everything, Miss Fang. Politics and deception are built on it. Neil Shaw: Listen to me. Governments they come, they go. But the McDonalds... they last for eva! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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