
  • advertisement Arlo: We're heroes, my man. It's time to start acting like it. Quit limping around like that. Tim Mason: Excuse me, I got a bullet in my leg. Arlo: Always the negative with you. Arlo: You just hijacked me with an unloaded gun? Tim Mason: Yeah. Arlo: When this is all over, remind me to kick your ass! Tim Mason: I need your truck. Arlo: You're not taking my truck. [Mason cocks his gun] Arlo: How far you got to go? Vaughn: Don't worry, I'm a professional, this won't hurt a bit Tim Mason: Well, I am an amateur! This is gonna hurt like hell! Arlo: That's a very, very nice walkie-talkie you have there. Col. Andrew Brynner: Why? You're nothing, nobody! Why? Tim Mason: You'd never understand. Col. Andrew Brynner: I would have in another life. They took all that away and left me with nothing. But now I have it all. Tim Mason: Listen, Arlo... Arlo: [Vaughn punches Tim] Hey! Vaughn: Shut your mouth! Col. Andrew Brynner: It won't be long now, gentlemen. And it won't be very pleasant. [Brynner puts a small sample of Elvis on the road by Tim and Arlo for testing] Col. Andrew Brynner: But such is the price of patriotism. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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