The Killing Zone (1999)

  • 英国
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  • 惊悚  动作
The Killing Zone
  • 片       名The Killing Zon...
  • 上映时间1999年07月12日(英国)
  • 导       演 Ian David ...
  • 又       名The Killing Zone
  • 编       剧 Ian David ...


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  • a name="qt0189569"> Policewoman's Voice: Freeze! Matthew Palmer: "Freeze"? This isn't America, you know. Woman in Black: Oh well, nobody lives forever... except Barbara Cartland, of course. Woman in Black: I know what you're all thinking. "Did she fire five or did she fire six?" Well, to tell you the truth... I fired two. Sorry, I've always wanted to say that. Woman in Black: How would you like to die? Hmm? Broken neck? Broken back? How's about I start with your arm... then your leg... then your other arm... then your ribcage... finishing off with a spinning roundhouse kick to the head, breaking your neck. Hmm? Sounds good? Works for me. And if it doesn't work for you, then tough titties. Lance Nash: No, I didn't say he was a hit man, I said he was an assassin. There is a difference, you know. A hit man kills people, anyone, for a price. An assassin murders important figures, politicians, monarchs. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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