
龙之心 (1996) 6.0

Dragonheart 更多片名>

1996-12-20(土耳其)| 动作 奇幻 冒险| 美国
上映时间:1996-12-20(土耳其) 类型: 动作 奇幻 冒险
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1997年第69届)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

这是一部用电脑合成技术拍摄的火龙与真人共同演出的神怪片。 背景是十世纪英国。国王被义军所杀,王子受致命伤,王后带王子来到深山,祈望火龙救助王子。受伤的王子性命虽是保住了,但同时也显现出比父王还要凶残的性格。辅佐国王的武士由此迁怒于火龙,发誓在有生之年杀死所有火龙。若干年后,他找到...更多>


Gilbert: Never have I seen such skill. Bowen: You must have led a sheltered life. Bowen: Don't clutter up a clever scheme with morality. King Arthur: A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked. Draco: Who's the girl? Bowen: A nuisance! Get rid of her! Draco: Why? Bowen: They're trying to placate you with a sacrifice! Draco: Oh, now who ever gave them that bright idea? Bowen: Never mind! Just get rid of her! Draco: How? Bowen: Eat her! Draco: Oh, please. YUCK! Bowen: Aren't we squeamish, you ate Sir Egglemore, hypocrite! Draco: I merely chewed in self-defense, but I never swallowed. Bowen: I no longer try to change the world dragon, I just try to make my way in it. Draco: Ah, well it's better than death I suppose. Bowen: I would think you would welcome death. All of your friends gone; hunted wherever you go. Draco: Do you delight in reminding me? Yes knight, I do long for death, but... fear it. Bowen: Why? Aside from your misery, what's to lose? Draco: My soul. Draco: When there are no more dragons to slay, how will you make a living, knight? Bowen: Dreams die hard and you hold them in your hand long after they have turned to dust. [Bowen simply stares as Kara passionately implores him to help lead the rebellion] Kara: Well, what are you looking at? Bowen: Myself, long ago. King Einon: Only you, Felton, could keep such a sly brain under such a bad hat! King Einon: Next time, stab more flesh, less cloth. Kara: I'll pierce your heart! King Einon: You already did. King Einon: Some men are good hunting men, some are good at hunting money. Both have value to me. Draco: when you squeeze nobility, the peasants are the ones that feel the pinch. [last lines] Bowen: Oh Draco... who will we turn to now you are gone? Draco: To the stars Bowen! To the stars! King Einon: I've always said death was a release, not a punishment. Draco: I merely chewed in self-defense. I didn't swallow. Bowen: You have the poet's gift of exaggeration. Gilbert: You should read some of my histories. Young Einon: The peasants are revolting. Brok: They've always been revolting. But now they're rebelling. [Bowen has just pretended to kill Draco- again] Gilbert: Well done, Bowen! You've done it again! What a brute! That's even bigger than the last one! Bowen: Actually, it's about the same size. [Brother Gilbert shoots a guy in the rear end] Gilbert: Turn the other cheek, brother. King Einon: You never cease to amaze me Bowen. Now you have brought my future wife and a priest to wed us. Bowen: To bury you. King Einon: Well, to bury one of us. Bowen: I will not rest until I have rid the world of every last one of you. Draco: I am the last one! Draco: Strike! Bowen: But you're my friend. Draco: Then as a friend, strike, please! Bowen: [is stuck in Draco's mouth - sees an arm stuck in the teeth and plucks it out] Oh, good lord! Sir Elglemore! [throws the arm out behind him] Draco: Oh, thank you. That's been stuck down there for months. Now, would you mind getting your buttocks off my tongue? Bowen: Why should you be comfortable? My armor is rusting in your drool and your breath is absolutely foul. Draco: Well, what do you expect with knights rotting in my molars? [last lines] Gilbert: [voiceover]


And in the days following Draco's sacrifice, Bowen and Kara led the people in a time of justice and brotherhood. As I remember it now, those were golden years warmed by an unworldly light. And when things became the most difficult Draco's star shown more brightly for all of us who knew where to look.


Draco: [chained down] Ugh, I can't see. Are the stars shining tonight? Queen Aislinn: Brightly, my lord! Brightly! Draco: Then let us end it. Bowen: You should've eaten her. Bowen: Don't waste good food on bad rhetoric! Draco: [Bowen has been wedged in Draco's mouth for some time] [Muffled] Draco: My mouth is so dry! [Bowen has just slain a dragon] Lord Felton: Well done, Knight! Congratulations. Our gratitude, mine and King Einon's. Bowen: Uh, you can keep your gratitude. I'll take the gold. Yours or the king's. Lord Felton: Gold, Knight? Bowen: We made a bargain, remember? One dragon put down, one bag of gold. Gilbert: Your honor has a price, Sir Knight? Bowen: It has *expenses.* Honor won't feed my belly nor shoe my horse.


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