When the Bullet Hits the Bone (1995)

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  • 动作
  • 片       名When the Bullet...
  • 上映时间1998年03月17日
  • 导       演 达米安·李
  • 又       名When the Bullet Hits the Bon...
  • 编       剧 达米安·李
  • 剧       情
    Thirteen Years in the emergency room, seeing people die from drugs and drug-related crime, have made Dr. Jack Davies angry and desperate. On...


  • Daemon: Who was the 13th president of the United States? Dr. Jack Davies: What? Daemon: The 13th president of the United States. Who was that? Dr. Jack Davies: Grant! Daemon: [shoots him] Wrong. Nick Turner: It's a bad thing if he talks about your face or my license plate. Nick Turner: Lisa, will you be nice to the general? Nick Turner: You have one hour or you will be an orphan. Daemon: Welcome home, you smug-faced bitch. Dr. Jack Davies: I'm not brave enough to lie. Daemon: Hi Clarence! [Shoots Him] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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