Wrestlemania VIII (1992)

  • 美国
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  • 动作
Wrestlemania VIII
  • 片       名Wrestlemania VI...
  • 上映时间1992年04月05日(美国)
  • 又       名Wrestlemania VIII


  • [Ric Flair is making his entrance for his WWF Heavyweight Title Defense] Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: You know, if you want to be fair to Flair, you gotta be fair and say that's a heckuva robe. For only a man as fair as Flair can... [gets interrupted] Gorilla Monsoon: WILL YOU STOP! [Tito Santana arrives as Reba McEntire leaves the ring] Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: Boy, can Tito's sister belt one out! Gorilla Monsoon: Will you stop? Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: That's Arriba McEntire! Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: I'm Indiana's favorite Bobby. Gorilla Monsoon: You couldn't even carry Bobby Knight's towel. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: Who? Sid Justice: See we got a saying and it goes like this, "Do unto the man as he would do unto you. But do it first." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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