
  • Crook: God damn! That thing's got more holes than my daddy's rubber. Lyle Pike: God damn! There's more holes in that thing than in my daddy's rubber! Tector Pike: I didn't know Dad wore a rubber! [Nick is driving and bumps into another car] Other driver: Are you blind? Nick Parker: Yeah. What's your excuse? Slag: Not bad for a blind man! But that butter knife ain't gonna stop no bullet! Billy Devereaux: I get the window seat! You don't need it, you're blind! Nick Parker: Got me there, you little prick! MacCready: I don't wanna hear about this blind man! What are you doing? Taking the stuff we're supposed to be selling? Cobb: No, I... MacCready: Oh, shut up, Ed! If you can't handle it, get me somebody who can! Get me Bruce Lee! Cobb: Bruce Lee is dead. MacCready: Then get his brother! Frank Devereaux: I'm not gonna make that shit for you! I'm not gonna, goddamn it! MacCready: Designer drugs, boy! Wave of the future! And as legal as whores and lawyers in this state! [an old lady shoots at Lyle and Tector after they steal her car] Lyle Pike: Jesus H. Christ! Tector Pike: Yep. That's one reason I always voted for gun control! Nick Parker: Where is Frank Devereaux? Cobb: F.O., Errol Flynn. You know what that means? Fuck off! [Nick swings his sword and shaves off Cobb's bushy eyebrows. Cobb looks shocked] Cobb: . Nick Parker: I also do circumcision. Nick Parker: Unreasonable men make life so difficult. MacCready: [Nick and Frank finally confront MacCready] Well, well, well! Mr. Blind Man, you're positively an incredible human being. You're a walking advertisement for hiring the handicapped! MacCready: Mr. Parker, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Nick Parker: Oh, nice guy, I hope. Everybody's trying to kill me lately. [the Assassin enters] Lyle Pike: Shit! Tector Pike: Fuck! Lyle Pike, Tector Pike: Shit-fuck! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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