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Space Mutiny

Space Mutiny (1988) 5.1

1990-01-20(日本)| 科幻 动作| 南非 美国
上映时间:1990-01-20(日本) 类型: 科幻 动作
国家/地区:南非 美国 
评分: 力荐

A starship that looks a lot like, but has nothing to do with, the Battlestar Galactica, finds itself embroiled in crisis when the Enforcers ...更多>


Lea Jansen: Can a woman buy a man a drink in your galaxy? Pirates: Surrender, or be blown to astro-dust! Kalgan:


I'm being undermined by my own disciples!


Kalgan: It's not unlike ancient dental equipment on Earth - not that you'd know anything about that! Kalgan: Take that, you space bitch! Kalgan: You meddling fool! Kalgan: You're much more attractive with your mouth shut! Ryder: C'mon, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! Kalgan: I have weakness for pain... of others. Lea Jansen: [Lea and Ryder quarrel after surviving a shootout in the Southern Sun's engine room] ... I thought you'd be happy to see me. Ryder: Of course I am. But that's not the issue. Your father should have stopped you. Lea Jansen: My father stopped interfering with my life when I was fifteen years old. Ryder: I have every respect for your father. He's a good man. I just wish he could control you as well as he does this ship. Lea Jansen: Control me? If I hadn't saved you in that engine room... Ryder: Oh come on, I could have gotten out of that situation, no problem. Lea Jansen: Well that's gratitude. Ryder: Why did you do it? Lea Jansen: Because... oh never mind. You really are stubborn. Ryder: Let's go out there and KICK SOME ASS!

Space Mutiny

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