Rawhead Rex (1986)

  • 英国 爱尔兰
  • |
  • 恐怖  惊悚  奇幻
  • 片       名Rawhead Rex
  • 上映时间1987年04月17日
  • 导       演 George Pav...
  • 剧       情
    Ireland will never be the same after Rawhead Rex, a particularly nasty demon, is released from his underground prison by an unwitting farmer...


  • Declan O'Brien: He was here before Christ, before civilisation. He was king here! Declan O'Brien: Rawhead, that's what they called him! RAWHEAD! Reverend Coot: [Declan is pushing Coot up to be killed by Rawhead Rex] No, no, no! Declan, wait! Think, think! He doesn't care about you! When it's finished, what will it do with you? Declan O'Brien: Kill me... I HOPE! Reverend Coot: Declan, please! For the love of God! Declan O'Brien: Get upstairs, fuckface! I can't keep God waiting! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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