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"MacGyver" Pilot

"MacGyver" Pilot (1985) 5.1

1985-09-29(美国)| 动作 冒险| 美国
上映时间:1985-09-29(美国) 类型: 动作 冒险
评分: 力荐

After a science lab explodes, MacGyver is asked to rescue scientists that are trapped underground, guarded by a deadly security system. He m...更多>



[Creating bombs out of pine cones and pitch] Harry: Are you sure this'll work? Angus MacGyver: [pause] Nope! Harry: Oh, but you're a comfort! [Penny almost clobbers MacGyver with an iron poker] Penny: MacGyver, you nearly scared me to death. MacGyver: Well, we nearly went together! Barbara Spencer: Blow an opening? With what? Don't tell me you know how to make a bomb out of a stick of chewing gum. MacGyver: [beat] Why, you got some? Barbara Spencer: I suppose you can make an explosive out of chewing gum? MacGyver: Why? Got some? Angus MacGyver: [MacGyver is trying to disarm a missile he accidentally triggered] Ok hotshot, so you got yourself a golden brown palomino between your legs, and NO reins. Now what?

"MacGyver" Pilot

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