超能警察 (1981)

  • 美国 西班牙
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  • 动作  科幻  喜剧
  • 片       名超能警察
  • 上映时间1980年12月17日
  • 导       演 塞吉奥·考布西
  • 剧       情
    一名警察奉命去某偏远印第安部落执行任务,然而此刻政府正在此地进行核试验,所有当地居民都已转移。 不知情的警察到达此地后不幸遭受核试验产生的严重辐射,幸运的是遭受爆炸核辐射后该警察具有了超能力,于是他化身“超能警探”运用超能力打击犯罪。 可惜和超人一样,他也有致命的弱点:只要一看到...


  • Tragedy Row: Hey, Paradise, I think I seen this guy on t.v. but I can't remember if he's a singer or an evangelist. Paradise Alley: I don't care what he is! Who are you and where's Sylvius? Dave Speed: I know who I am and I know who you are. But do you know who he is? Willy Dunlop: Get 'em up there! Dave Speed: There's illegal gambling going on inside that truck! Willy Dunlop: Now I'm not saying they weren't counterfit fish, but even if they were, there's no law against it. Or is there? The Chief: You're the one who gave him only five minutes to get here. Willy Dunlop: Well, then he's got an answering service! That's what he's got! Dave Speed: That's not true, Sarge. The Chief: I remember one time in police college I painted myslef green and pretended to be a martian! Willy Dunlop: Yeah, that's great chief. Dave Speed: (After flushing money down the toilet) These days money really goes down the drain. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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