
  • Angel: I was 15 before I realized I was dead. Sphinx: I was 15 before I realized I was dead. Crabs: And the world's your oyster, so swallow it. Crabs: Why don't you take up embroidery, Bod? [Bod picks up the phone] Crabs: Most people would hang up the phone, she's hanging on for dear life. [Crabs and Happy Days on the bed, Mad distracts him] Crabs: Back to work, no tea breaks. Crabs: Leave the guy alone, he's better than a vibrator and he's bigger. Crabs: I just love a man without its uniform. Angel: You clammy slag! You sat on the KY with your fat arse! Borgia Ginz: Without progress life would be unbearable. Progress has taken the place of Heaven. [laughs] Borgia Ginz: It's like pornography; better than the real thing. Amyl Nitrite: Our school motto is Faites vos desirs realitie. Make your desires reality. I, myself, prefer the song "Don't Dream It, Be It". Amyl Nitrite: [reading from book] In those days, desires weren't allowed to become reality. So fantasy was substituted for them - films, books, pictures. They called it 'art'. But when your desires become reality, you don't need fantasy any longer, or art. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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