Truck Turner (1974)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作
  • 片       名Truck Turner
  • 上映时间1974年04月19日
  • 导       演 乔纳森·卡普兰
  • 剧       情
    Truck is a bounty hunter who gets a job to track down a guy named Gator. When he and his partner find him, a chase ensues and Gator is kille...


  • Harvard Blue: Turner's like a bulldog with eyes up his ass! Dorinda: We call her Turnpike, cuz you gotta pay to get on and pay to get off! Annie: So, this is your idea of a good night, huh. Get me drunk and then screw me. Truck Turner: Okay, okay, we'll get something to eat first. Dorinda: Those two bitches that left - they had better learn to sell pussy in Iceland because if I ever see them again I'm gonna cut their fuckin' throats! We are family... and that's what we're gonna stay. Now I got important business out there today. And when I call you, I want you to come out there and shake your asses proper! You hear? Hah? Now get out there and make it look good! And Raquel, take that fuckin' jacket off! Move it!" Dorinda: They call her Colonel Sanders because she's finger lickin' good. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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