大盗贼 (1965)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 奇幻  动作  冒险
  • 片       名大盗贼
  • 上映时间1963年10月26日
  • 导       演 谷口千吉
  • 剧       情


  • [casting a spell] Granny the Witch: Mumbo jumbo, mumbo jumbo. Sobei: Earlier you smiled at me. Sukezaemon Naya, alias 'Luzon': Oh, it was a mistake. Sobei: A mistake? Sukezaemon Naya, alias 'Luzon': Yes, uh, I only thought you were the princess. Sobei: Hmph. Miwa the Rebel Leader: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Sinbad is trying to look for the Premier's hideout] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You hurt my feelings... Sukezaemon Naya, alias 'Luzon': Argh! Miwa the Rebel Leader: You didn't need my help, you said. Sukezaemon Naya, alias 'Luzon': You are fast, how did you get here so quick? Miwa the Rebel Leader: I know this place like my backyard. Miwa the Rebel Leader: [Sinbad is cornered by the Miwa and her rebels] In order to pay for the meal you just ate, I brought along a reception committee. Granny the Witch: [Granny gives chase to Sennin] Where is he? Where is that silly old man hiding? Sennin the Wizard: I can't help it. Whenever I see a shapely girl, I have an attack. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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