宝剑王后 (2000)

  • 西班牙 法国
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  • 动作  冒险  西部


  • Capt. Marcus Grisham: I guess I was more than you expected. Tessa Alvarado: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 30 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [points sword at his groin] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • fa8 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • You could be a little less. Capt. Marcus Grisham: Colonel, we got a problem. Col. Luis Montoya: Only one? Really? Things must be improving. Mary Rose: When Anton was eight, he fell off a horse and lay unconscious for hours. Marta: Let me guess: you shot the horse. [Sword fighting] Mary Rose: Not bad. Tessa Alvarado: I'll get better. Mary Rose: You'll have to. Col. Luis Montoya: Stupid and vicious. I can see why you and Grisham are such close friends. Col. Luis Montoya: Captain, in this life some are destined never to own, only to rent. Capt. Marcus Grisham: You could give me a raise. Col. Luis Montoya: Not a chance. Don Gaspar Hidalgo: God bless you, Luis. Col. Luis Montoya: You know, I really think he does. Dr. Robert Helm: I had the situation under control! Tessa Alvarado: You men always say that. Captain Wentworth: Have you ever considered joining the circus? Tessa Alvarado: Not when there's clowns like you around. Marta: Oh....it looks like another late night for the Queen. Tessa Alvarado: Could be. Marta: Any idea of what time you'll think you'd be back? Tessa Alvarado: Gee, I don't know....depends on how many guys want to kill me this time...why? Fenner: It could get worse...why don't you just be a good girl and put down your sword. Tessa Alvarado: Wanna prove that size doesn't matter? Fenner: Well, it always matters, but there are other ways to compensate. Fenner: Where did you learn how to fight like that? Tessa Alvarado: Finishing school. [disarms him] Tessa Alvarado: Are we finished? Col. Luis Montoya: I know who you are, Fenner - you and your big friend are just con-men, petty thieves. Fenner: Well, that's unfair. There's nothing petty about us. Col. Luis Montoya: You are wanted by 3 presidios on this coast alone. Fenner: Well, it's nice to be wanted. Don Ricardo: You are a real bastard. Col. Luis Montoya: Perhaps, but I am the bastard this side of the bars. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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