透明人 (2000)

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    假如你是隐形人,你会…… 这个天方夜谭的梦想,终于让年轻科学家辛柏斯顿梦想成真。以辛为首的研究小组,成功研制出隐形技术,为了一尝隐形滋味,辛自愿冒险以身试药,亲身当实验品。隐形了,却还原不了。其余科学家正苦恼于研究对策之际,辛反而乐此不疲,更发现了当隐形人的好处-如何为所欲为也不...
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  • Sebastian: You know what, Matt? It's amazing what you can do... when you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror any more. Share this quote Frank: [over intercom] This is God. You are disturbing the natural order of things, and will be severely punished for all eternity. God has spoken. Sebastian: How many times I have to tell you, Frank? You're not God. *I* am. Share this quote Sebastian: You don't make history by following the rules, you make it by seizing the moment. Share this quote Sebastian: If we're gonna move forward, this is the next logical step! Share this quote Linda: *You cracked the code*! 11 months, and you suddenly come up with it out of the blue. How? Sebastian: The usual: coffee and Twinkies. Share this quote Matt: My 5th grade teacher told me, that "Genius is the ability to go from A to D without having to go through B and C." Sebastian can do that, but for me, I gotta have the B and C. Share this quote Linda: What bothers you most? That you don't have a life... or that I do? Share this quote Sebastian: Well, your objections have been duly noted and summarily overruled. Sarah: Yes, Sir! Sebastian: How come when you say "Yes, Sir" it kinda sounds like "Fuck you!" Sarah: Practice! Share this quote Matt: How did we let him talk us into this? Linda: Can we talk about it later? I'm trying to make love to you. Share this quote [Sebastian is about to inject himself with the serum. He takes off his robe and he's naked. Linda and Sarah smirk] Sebastian: Ladies, please, this is science. Share this quote Janice: So, what's it like being a ghost? Sebastian: Ghosts are dead. I'm very much alive. Share this quote Matt: Any last words? Sebastian: Yeah. If I die, pretend I said something deep and clever. Share this quote Carter: Oh, I'd suck the tits right off of you. Share this quote [discussing the experiment of turning Sebastian invisible] Janice: If it is a snuff film, I got dibs on his Porsche. Frank: Janice, how can you say that? Janice: Sorry. Frank: The Porsche is mine. Share this quote Matt: Sarah's on the warpath, so I suggest you play nice. Sarah: This is bullshit, Sebastian, bullshit. Sebastian: Good morning to you, too! Share this quote Dr. Kramer: I'm going to call out the scientific council. Matt: Is there anything we can do in the meantime? Dr. Kramer: How about clearing out your offices? Linda: For what is worth, we're both very sorry. Dr. Kramer: It's a little a late for apologies. Mrs. Kramer: What's the problem? Dr. Kramer: Just a screw-up at work! Mrs. Kramer: How bad? Dr. Kramer: Bad enough to wake up a few Generals. Share this quote [Dr. Kramer has stepped out by his pool. He lights his pipe and inadvertently blows smoke in Sebastian's face, briefly outlining it] Sebastian: Hi, Boss. Share this quote Linda: Sebastian, do you have any idea what time it is? Sebastian: Da Vinci never slept. Said it was a waste of time. Share this quote Sebastian: Did you ever hear the one about Superman and Wonder Woman? Matt: Stop clowning around Sebastian: No come on this is a good one. Superman's flying around metropolis and he's horny as hell. He's checking out the rooftops and all of a sudden he sees Wonder Woman sunning herself on the roof of the Justice League. I mean she is lying there buck naked and spread eagle. Looks like she wants to get fucked right? So Superman starts thinking to himself, "Man I gotta get myself some of that wonderpussy." and then he realizes that he can fly down, do a little fast pumping and be gone before she even sees him. Because he's Superman. he's faster than a speeding bullet, right? So Superman, he swoops down, he fucks her so quick, she doesn't even see him. Wonderwoman sits up and says, "What the fuck was that?" and The Invisible Man says "I don't know but my asshole is killing me." That's funny right? Matt: hmm Sebastian: C'mon, guys. That's funny. Share this quote [Isabelle has been made visible and put in her cage] Matt: Man, look how peaceful she is. Sarah: Yeah, if I didn't know better, I'd say nothing happened to her. Sebastian: Yes, so let's schedule a vivisection for Monday. I want to check her neural pathways. Sarah: You just brought her back, and now you're gonna slice up her brain? Sebastian: I'm not runnin' a goddamn zoo! All right? Sarah: You're a fucking unethical bastard. Matt: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's kidding. [to Sebastian] Matt: Tell her you're kidding, right? Sebastian: Right. I don't want to cut her up for another few weeks. Share this quote [Sebastian is driving home, and stops at a light. A boy and girl in the car beside him see him] Boy in Car: Hey, look. Look! Look at that. Girl in Car: Man, he's weird. [Sebastian lifts his shades, to show his hollow eyes; and opens his mouth, to show his hollow mouth] Boy in Car: Mom! Mommy! [girl screams] Boy in Car: Look! Mom: What? Boy in Car: A ghost! Mom: Don't be ridiculous. There's nothing out there. Share this quote Linda: Did you see that? Matt: Sebastian, can you hear me? Sebastian: ...The lights! Turn off the... lights! [Linda and Matt turn the lights] Sebastian: I can't close my eyes. Linda: You can, but your eyelids are transparent. Sebastian: It's weird. I feel the same, but I'm not here. [Linda pushes on Sebastian's chest] Linda: You're here. Share this quote Sebastian: You think I'm trying to kill Isabelle? Sarah: Kill? More like liquefy Share this quote Linda McKay: [to Sebastian] You think you're God? I'll show you God! Share this quote Janice: What was the clientele like? Frank: This guy comes up to me and he says: "l like my women like my coffee." Janice: People still use that line? Frank: Maybe he meant cold and bitter. Janice: Very funny. Share this quote [first lines] Sebastian: [another failed molecule design] Damn it! Share this quote Sebastian: So this guy you're seeing, what's he like? Linda: He's everything you're not. Sebastian: Oh. He must be dull. Share this quote Sebastian: Hey would you like to know what it's like making love to an invisible man? Linda: It would just be like old times. Sebastian: What do you mean? Linda: You were never there. Share this quote 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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