失真的画 (2008)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 惊悚


  • Stan: [lecturing to class] Don't be seduced. Avoid psychological speculation related to the killer's intent. We may never know why he did what he did. He may never know. Treat the boundaries of the crime scene like a frame, and limit your analysis to what is presented within it. Sit with it, don't rush things, and above all, in your initial encounter with the crime scene, trust your own eye. Remember, all you really have is what the killer left behind - his work, his aesthetic, if you will. Stan: I used to touch things all the time when I'm down. Sandy Strickland: That's why you抮e good at what you do. Sandy Strickland: Let's go somewhere, away from here. Above ground, maybe. Like hiking? I'm going with some friends this weekend. You can come. Stan: I'd love to, but... I gotta work. Sandy Strickland: [sarcastically] That's shocking. Stan: Another time. Sandy Strickland: Probably... probably not. Medical Examiner: [after performing autopsy] His intestines have been removed. The killer went to the trouble of removing them, and enclosing the incision before he strung him up. Blair Collet: I stumbled upon this invaluable collection of Civil War porn. Carl Uffner: You and I are going to have to work together at some point. We've both got the same shoe now, Stan. Jorge Ruiz: I think I know what's going on here. My advice to you is if it's in the past, let it stay there. Things change. You never set foot in the same room twice. Blair Collet: [to Stan] I love the feel of an object changing hands, to let it go. You, you can't let go of anything, can you? Carl Uffner: [to Stan] So what's this one about, Picasso? Killer: A poison harms. Stan: What? Killer: A poison harms. It certainly does. You should know that - you've been poisoning yourself for years. Now that you've seen my work, I want some feedback. You and I both like the color blue, a pigment that was once quite precious. It's also the color of narcissism. Killer: An artist never stops working. He's always gathering material, preparing a new study. Stan: The truth depends on where you stand. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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