圈套2 (2007)

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  • 恐怖  科幻  惊悚
  • 片       名圈套2
  • 上映时间2007年03月06日
  • 导       演 Jeffery Sc...
  • 剧       情


  • Constance Snowden: Well? Delia: Mine got overly excited. Then his vital functions ceased. Jasmine: Mine was a police officer and I thought he was in decent shape. But, he didn't survive the temperature drop. Constance Snowden: What about the bodies, did you dispose of them? [Jasmine and Delia shake their heads in disagreement] Constance Snowden: We can't have any distractions from the police. We got to hide those bodies. [Jasmine and Delia both nod] Constance Snowden: Look, Luke Callahan is the only one who survived, I'm watching him! Delia: What is different about him? Jasmine: Yeah, he seems really sensitive. Constance Snowden: Well that's why he survived cos their body temperatures need to drop slowly. Jasmine: And sensitive guys... Constance Snowden: He was in love, so there's more romance, more foreplay. Delia, Jasmine: Oh. Constance Snowden: There's a cold snap coming, make sure you do it outside and draw it out. We have to keep them alive as long as possible. Delia: How do we do that? Jasmine: These human males seem so eager. [Delia nods] Constance Snowden: Just use your imagination. [They all smile] Professor Erwin Buckton: [Constance knocks at the door] Come in. Constance Snowden: [Constance opens the door and closes it behind her] Excuse me, are you Professor Buckton? Professor Erwin Buckton: Yes I am, what can I do for ya? Constance Snowden: I'm Doctor Constance Snowden, I've been assigned to student health services this term. You supervised a grad student named Luke Callahan, right? Professor Erwin Buckton: Yes, one of the best students I've had in a long time. Constance Snowden: Does he ever behave unusually? Professor Erwin Buckton: Well he's very dedicated which is, er, unusual these days even for a grad student. He's very interested in, er, anatomy particularly the unorthodox evolutionary variations. Constance Snowden: Well I came here to tell you that Luke Callahan experienced a psychotic episode a few years ago. Professor Erwin Buckton: Really? Constance Snowden: It's probably nothing for you to be concerned about but I'd appreciate you letting me know if ever he behaves abnormally. Professor Erwin Buckton: Abnormally? How exactly would you define that Doctor Snowden? Constance Snowden: Paranoid delusions usually having to do with aliens from outer space, that sorta thing. Professor Erwin Buckton: Luke has always seemed very well balanced to me, he's intense but he's very sensible. Constance Snowden: He's very good at compensating for his problems. I'd appreciate if you kept this conversation just between you and I. Professor Erwin Buckton: Alright. Constance Snowden: Thank you, have a good day. Jasmine: What's he doing here? Constance Snowden: He needs to see his doctor, he's been having some problems sleeping. Jasmine: Can I? Constance Snowden: No, he's dangerous. Jasmine: Why? Constance Snowden: Cos he knows about us and nobody believes him but we have to keep it that way. Jasmine: Pity. Professor Erwin Buckton: Very detailed work. It's a complete delusion of course but the skeletal details, very plausible. Anatomically I find it quite interesting. Constance Snowden: Then professor, do you find my anatomy quite interesting? Constance Snowden: You killed one of my clones. You survived mating once! Let's try it again. Do the old college charm. Sam Compton: You know the problem with places like this? Beautiful Girl: There's a problems? Sam Compton: Well, it's a meat market. I mean, everyone's a commodity. And it's all about scoring. There's no room left for just being a person. Beautiful Girl: You really think so? Sam Compton: Yes. Beautiful Girl: Then why are you staring at my nipples? Guys are all the same. Talk about our feelings and all you want to do is cop a feel. Sam Compton: That's not true. I'm not like that. Beautiful Girl: Uh-uh. Take a good look because it's the closest you're ever going to get. [flashes breasts and walks away] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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