四四零零 (2004)

  • 美国
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  • 科幻  灾难  惊悚
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    故事讲述近百年来有不少人被外星人TAKEN,在 2004年7月的一天,美国国家安全局发现一颗慧星高速的飞向地球,危及地球人安全。全球各国(包括中国)都向该慧星发射导弹欲摧毁之。 结果没有任何作用,最后慧星在上图中那个湖边降落,一阵迷雾散开之后,湖边出现4400个不同年代...


  • Maia Rutledge: I don't wanna know things before they happen. I wanna be normal. Diana Skouris: Normal? Who's normal anyway? Maia Rutledge: You. Diana Skouris: Me? Well, let me tell you something about normal people like me. They just wish they were special, like you. Diana Skouris: Mister Tyler, I know you're trying to protect your family. But you have to realize that by staying here, you could be putting yourself in serious danger. Richard Tyler: Maybe. But you know, I was born in 1922 - in Missouri. And my skin was black then as it is now. So I've had to worry about fire bombings, and lynchings and beatings my entire life. If there's anything I've learned, it's this. Eventually a man's gotta take a stand. I'm making mine right here. Shawn Farrell: Me and 4,399 of my closest friends popped out of a ball of light right about here. Richard Tyler: [to Lily] I'd give up another 53 years if it meant finding you again. Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass. Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me. Matthew Ross: [regarding Liv] You know, becoming involved with her is out of the question. Shawn Farrell: Advise me all you want about the center, but ... Matthew Ross: You are the center. Everything about you. You cannot afford to have an inappropriate relationship. Shawn Farrell: Are you kidding me? Jordan Collier was all about inappropriate! Matthew Ross: All the reason not to repeat his mistakes. Shawn Farrell: And who exactly is the ideal girl for Shawn Farrell? Matthew Ross: I'll tell you when I meet her. Dr. Max Hudson: If I start to go crazy can you... take care of me?... In the back of the head! Diana Skouris: You won't even see it coming... Dr. Hudson? Dr. Max Hudson: I just gave you permission to blow my head off. You can call me Max. Diana Skouris: My mother always wanted me to hit it off with a cute doctor, but move again and I'll pull this trigger. Jordan Collier: She lies. Jordan Collier: Close your mouth, Shawn... you'll draw flies. Tom Baldwin: "Cult" is what a big congregation calls a little congregation. Maia Rutledge: Don't you have something to believe in? Shawn Farrell: I used to. But now I guess I'll just have to believe in you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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