变种女狼2 (2004)

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  • 恐怖  惊悚
  • 片       名变种女狼2
  • 上映时间2004年07月14日
  • 导       演 Brett Sull...
  • 剧       情


  • Ginger: We can't fight what's in us, B. Brigitte: I'm not like you, Ginger... I'm stronger. Ginger: [laughs] Oh really? That's not how I remember you the first fifteen years of your life. Brigitte: It's how I remember the last fifteen minutes of yours. Jeremy: I'm onto you. [Brigitte looks up at him before going back to her book - he takes one off the shelf and pretends to read it] Jeremy: You come in here late at night, you stay until all the other avid readers are gone. You're attracted to me but you fear rejection. So you bide your time just kind of waiting for that perfect moment. [slams book shut] Jeremy: Don't worry, I've been dealing with this all my life... I'm kidding. Brigitte: [half smiles, gets to feet, and gets her book together. Walks past him] Your fly's open. Dr. Brookner: Brigitte, you have a room of people pretty curious about Brigitte. Beth-Ann: And incidently, a room full of people who think you really suck at suicide. [Brigitte glances at the cuts on her left arm and then pulls up her sleeve] Dr. Brookner: What's your best-case scenario, hmm? Go there. Brigitte: My best-case scenario, Eleanor, is hair everywhere but my eyeballs, elongation of my spine until my skin splits, teats, and a growing tolerance, maybe even affection for, the smell and taste of feces - not just my own - and then, excruciating death. Koral: Dr. Brookner, if she doesn't shut up, I swear I'll make her drink her piss... again. Beth-Ann: PING! [throws penny at Ghost's head and laughs, everyone else joins in] Girl: This is getting so boring. Beth-Ann: It's an ancient game, the throwing of pennies at the local moron or midget! Brigitte: I can't see the TV [laughing and throwing continues] Brigitte: I said I can't see the TV! [grabs Beth-Ann and slams her into a wall] Brigitte: Would you like me to throw YOU at her head? Ghost: Do you turn at the full moon? Brigitte: You watch too many horror movies. Ghost: I'm not allowed to watch horror movies, or technically, to read comics. Or eat gluten - I'm too impressionable. Brigitte: Why does that not surprise me? Ghost: Well, not the gluten thing - that's just digestive. Brigitte: [looking at elongated ear in mirror, moves back to show Ginger sitting on a chair] Ginger? Ginger: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • We really need to talk. These last few days, I've been feeling very left out, watching you hang out with all your cool, new friends. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Brigitte: It's starting. [Isabelle, Katharine@Ginger Ginger: You're starting to understand, aren't you? How it all starts with wanting? What were you thinking when he was in that stall with you? Because even I - really - was shocked. Brigitte: I... Ginger: [Mimicking Brigitte] I wanted the monkshood. Brigitte: I just... Ginger: [mimicking] I just - [frowns] Ginger: I mean, what did you want when he was pushing up against you? You're starting to figure it out, aren't you? How it all starts innocently enough, today you wanna to fuck him - tomorrow you just wanna bite a hole in his sternum. Ghost: So was that the one that bit you? Brigitte: I wasn't bit, my sister was. And no, it wasn't the same one. Ghost: Well - Well, where did it come from? The infinite darkness? Brigitte: I don't think so, Ghost... more like the suburbs. Ghost: If you weren't bit, then... Brigitte: I infected myself with her blood. I thought I could make her stop if I was like her. Ghost: I always wanted a sister. Where is she now? Brigitte: She isn't, I stopped her. Ghost: You killed your own sister? Brigitte: There wasn't much of Ginger left in what I killed. Ghost: So - So what'd you use? A silver bullet? Brigitte: A knife. They're not superheroes, Ghost. Ghost: I got chips. Alice says chips don't fall in to one of the four food groups. One of her many lies. You still eat chips, right? Brigitte: It's happening too fast. I need the monkshood. [Ghost holds up a vial of monkshood] Brigitte: Where's the needle? Ghost: ...Oh crap. Ghost: It's gonna find, you isn't it? You know the fact that it didn't kill you tonight... that means something. Maybe he's like you, and it's not in his nature to kill, and he secretly wants... Brigitte: Ghost, he wants to mate with me. Ghost: Oh... Brigitte: Don't try too hard to visualize that. Brigitte: My sister and I shared a room. Ghost: A sleepover every night. Brigitte: Kind of. Ghost: Do you miss her? Brigitte: All the time. Tyler: So this is home, huh, Ghost?... Kind of has the Manson family charm. Tyler: She realized of course, she'd have to go back to the clinic. Ghost: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You realize of course that you're speaking in the third person. It's a little weird. And I'm aware of no such thing. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tyler: What if I said I missed you? Ghost: "His words were empty, just like his head." Ghost: [firing rifle] Go back to the darkness! Alice: Ghost? You shot at me! What the hell? Brigitte: [referring to the gas igniting] How long will it take? Ghost: Barbara took about twenty-seven minutes... Written on psychologist's notepad after Brigitte explains her lycanthropic transformation: Lesbian? Tyler: [speaking to Brigitte over the phone] You still there? [pause] Brigitte: Sort of. Ghost: When you close your eyes, is it hell you see? Beth-Ann: Do you ever see things when you're stoned? [walks behind a screen] Beth-Ann: Cos I just saw the freakiest thing, like an animal or something! [she stumbles as she is stoned] Brigitte: BETH ANN! [Beth-Ann is mauled by the werewolf. Brigitte can see her through the clear screen] Ginger: Remember that game we used to play when we were little? The one where we would make ourselves hold our breath until we passed out? Then you'd always get scared and call Mom and I'd get in to trouble? That game really sucked. Ghost: Late at night, in secret chambers, he carried out his reign of moral terror. Tyler: Isn't that mortal terror? Ghost: No. Marcus: Just so you know, threats are a big no-no with Alice. Ginger: You know, the faster you heal the closer he gets B. Or is it that the closer he is the faster you heal? Ghost: Rocky runs, Rocky plays, Rocky misses the good old days. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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