
关于查理的真相 (2002) 5.9

The Truth About Charlie

2003-08-15(德国)| 灾难 惊悚| 美国 德国
上映时间:2003-08-15(德国) 类型: 灾难 惊悚
国家/地区:美国 德国 
评分: 力荐

  雷吉娜碰见了查理,两人迅速相爱并结了婚,住在巴黎。三个月过去了,雷吉娜发现自己一点都不了解查理。她独自踏上旅途,考虑和查理离婚。然而回到巴黎的寓所后,她发现他们同住的公寓空空如也,她的银行帐户被清空,一堆法国警察在等她,而且,查理死了。      很快查理...更多>


Joshua Peters: Excuse me, does this belong to you? Sylvia: Now what's he gone and done? Joshua Peters: Well, he was creating a fairly sophisticated surveillance system behind the ladies cabana. Joshua Peters: Can I ask you something real quick and make it like ripping off a band-aid, okay? Regina Lambert: Ow. Go Ahead. Joshua Peters: Is there a Mr. Regina? Regina Lambert: Not for long. Cmndt. Dominique: We took the liberty of calling your tailor. We thought perhaps we would learn something. Regina Lambert: Did you? Cmndt. Dominique: Yes. Your dress is ready. Regina Lambert: Your a good listener Joshua Peters: No. Your a good talker. Regina Lambert: Have you ever been in love in Pairs, Joshua? Joshua Peters: Uh, I can't say I've had that pleasure, Reggie. Regina Lambert: Well, your still young. Maybe you still have a chance. Joshua Peters: That would be nice. Regina Lambert: It's Regina, you know. Nobody calls me Reggie. Joshua Peters: Nobody at all, huh? Regina Lambert: Not til now anyway. Joshua Peters: [smiles] Good. Cmndt. Dominique: [talking about Regina] She's a realy beauty, isn't she? Joshua Peters: I suppose she is, yes. Cmndt. Dominique: I always wonder, with a woman like that, what kind of guy actually gets to go to bed with her? Joshua Peters: Well, in this case, a dead one, I guess. Lewis Bartholomew:


I want to make it perfectly clear, that even if we wanted to, which we don't, we couldn't force you to do it. Your decision must be entirely your own, Mrs. Lake.


Regina Lambert: What decision? Lewis Bartholomew: To work with us. Regina Lambert: If you think I'm getting mixed up in this you're absolutely bonkers. Lewis Bartholomew: We want that money back Mrs. Lambert. Regina Lambert: I don't have it. Lewis Bartholomew: Oh yes you do. You have it. You just don't know you've got it. Joshua Peters: Reggie, I hate that you're caught up in this. But at the same time I'm glad, because it means we've met. Lewis Bartholomew: I was wrong about you, Mrs. Lambert. Meeting the widow of a man like Lake, Well, I was expecting a siren, a harpy, a shrew. But you, you have decency, dignity, what my father called gumption. Regina Lambert: I'm very touched. You are actually quite sweet for a stars and bars company man, aren't you? Lewis Bartholomew: You've discovered my secret side Mrs. Lambert. Keep it under your hat. Boo! Lewis Bartholomew: So, my long lost and non existant kid brother A.K.A Mr Bartholomew. [pause] Lewis Bartholomew: Nice to meet you. Joshua Peters: I've never seen a ghost before. Pleasures all mine.


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