
  • Kit: Come to daddy, boys! Kit: I've got an opening for a new girlfriend. What do you say? Megan: Fuck you! Kit: Oh, attitude. I like that in a girl. Cym: Time to die, cowboy. Sean: So what's your deal, what do you do? Nick: As little as possible. Sean: yea... but you gotta make money, you work? Nick: I cruise, you know. I find something when I need to, kind of like the day to day thing. Sean: What about the future? What do you wanna be doing say uh... ten years from now? Nick: I don't give a shit... I could be dead tomorrow. [Nick gives Sean the receipt] Nick: Here. My treat. You pay. I'm going to go piss. Sean: Like father, like son. Nick: Shit, I hope not. My mom told me my dad was a cross-dressing Marine drill sargeant. Sean: Yea, who gave you the right to play god with her life? Nick: Hey, this all about survival of the fittest! You don't learn that and you are going to die... or worse... Nick: We are fucked. Take a look at the world we inherited. We're a bunch of fast-food munching MTV freaks humping the great Amercian Dream. The generation before us sold their innocence for 200 digitally enhanced satellite stations, and it's been downhill ever since. They had Mickey Mouse, Easy Rider and The Beatles. Alright? We got South Park, The Blair Bitch and Ricky Martin. Alright? They had "Be here now!". We got "Shit Happens!". If that doesn't put thinks in perspective, i dunno what does. I mean, we're just Microsoft Neanderthals addicted to surfing netland, still shitting in our nests. And every time i think about giving a rat's ass, i picture Monica making millions from sucking Bill's little red rooster. Just rockets me right back into reality. Cym: Look, I don't know why you can't just let this girl go. Kit: Never mind that and just keep driving. Cym: Well, why do you have to keep pursuing her. Kit: It's unfinished business. Sean: He's been a very bad boy, Nick. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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