Swimming Pool - Der Tod feiert mit (2002)

  • 德国
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  • 恐怖  惊悚
Swimming Pool - Der Tod feiert mit
  • 片       名Swimming Pool -...
  • 上映时间2002年09月09日(英国)
  • 导       演 Boris von ...


  • Carmen: [flaunts her breasts to Frank] Just like a movie, isn't it? [Frank approaches to touch them, but Carmen slaps him] Carmen: That's it, Frank. Just like a movie. Just look, don't touch. [looks at Greg] Carmen: Unless it's a special occasion. Greg: I'm sorry, Sarah. I didn't know your father was still an issue. You don't talk about it anymore. Sarah: So I should cry about it everyday, that way you can remember? [Mike and Chris lunge at Martin, thinking he's the killer] Chris: What the hell are you doing here? Martin: [Angrily shows them a bunch of condoms] I'm just trying to get laid. Can someone tell me what the fuck's going on here? Sarah: Don't feel too bad. When I first came here, they used to tease me, too. Remember, they used to call me "The Little Farm Girl?" Frank: Yeah, but that's different. You're dating Gregor. Sarah: I'm just saying you should lighten up. Frank: What do you suggest I do? Sarah: Well, you can't have Gregor. He's already spoken for. Plus, I really don't think you're his type. Frank: Am I... your type? Sarah: No, [smiles] Sarah: but in another life? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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