
神魔交战 (2001) 6.7

Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 更多片名>

2001-09-07(美国)| 惊悚 奇幻| 美国
上映时间:2001-09-07(美国) 类型: 惊悚 奇幻
评分: 力荐

    根据圣经启示录揭示,世界的平衡正在倾毁,正义与邪恶的终战将在魔奇都山谷展开。那儿正是圣经中所说世界末日善恶决战发生的战场。邪恶的力量聚集了一支火力强大的军队,预备在这场决战中设下圈套,让洲与洲、国与国、手足之间互相争斗。   史东亚...更多>


David Alexander: As long as the Chinese and Latins are with us, you don't have a chance in hell of getting what you want. Stone Alexander: Oh, I'll always have a chance in hell, David. President Richard Benson: Well, there you go. See what you can accomplish if you don't have to answer to Congress? Stone Alexander: Pray to your God! *My* will be done. David Alexander: He wants to control the world! Staff Member: When is world peace the same as controlling the world? David Alexander: When it takes away my freedom! Our freedom as a sovereign nation! Now I will not be bullied! David Alexander: The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away!


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