猎杀大行动 (1996)

  • 美国 英国
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  • 灾难  惊悚
  • 片       名猎杀大行动
  • 上映时间1996年07月24日
  • 导       演 菲尔·乔安诺
  • 剧       情
    《<!--fHatm0796001 -->猎杀红色十月》《<!--fGen40104348 -->大亨游戏》《<!--fEatm0865001 -->1997势不两立》《<!--fMatm0865025&nb...


  • Bubba Rocque: Dave Robicheaux drowned in the bottle and went into the swamp to sleep it off. Didi Giancano: He may have been asleep, but that was before you dropped a fucking plane on his head and woke him up. Guys like that, when they wake up, they don't go back to sleep so easy. Not without help. Dave Robicheaux: Where's your husband? Claudette Rocque: In Houston, on business. Dave Robicheaux: Well, how nice for you. Claudettre Rocque: Maybe you too. Dave Robicheaux: So, right about now I'm thinkin' your head would make a real nice toilet brush. Dave Robicheaux: My wife had to be buried in a closed casket. I want you to think about that for a minute. Now, I'm gonna find those two men, and when I do, I'm gonna squeeze them extra hard, and if your name comes outta either one of their mouths, I'll be back here to feed your sorry fuckin' ass to the shrimp. Dave Robicheaux: If I were you, I'd find another ZIP code. Dave Robicheaux: I want a drink. I want a drink all the time. [first lines] Dave Robicheaux: [in the confessionary] I want a drink. I want a drink all the time. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, my eyes pop open thinking I got to have a drink. Sometimes, I'd be talking with my wife and all the time I'd be thinking of that bar I used to go to. The glasses all lined up. My seat right on the corner. All those colored bottles. The ice in my glass, that burn... God, it felt good going down. Victor Romero: [Over the phone after the girl answers the phone] Sweet girl Dave Robicheaux: Who's this? Victor Romero: This is Victor Romero, I hear you want to cut a slice out of my ass... like I'm responsible for every crime in the buyou... Clients say I'm too hot... like I won't be around next year... SO YOUR FUCKING ME MAN! Dave Robicheaux: Hey Victor I don't give a shit about your problems... why don't you go write'em all down on a postcard and send it to me [begins putting down the phone] Victor Romero: [Goading him by describing his home] There's a sofa in the living room Telephone next to the wall and while I did your old lady... YOU WERE COWERING IN THE DARK OUTSIDE Dave Robicheaux: [sneers] I'm gonna find you Victor Romero: [snorts] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Kiss my ass... If you don't get off my back soon... I'm gonna kill the kid, the whore and that old fuck you got working for you... you want me to put that down on a postcard two? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [slams the phone down] Dave Robicheaux: What'd the guy look like? Annie: He looked like a big bad guy. Dave Robicheaux: He was one of those guys who were eating lightbulbs and pushing thumbtacks into their kneecaps. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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