
幻影危情 (1995) 5.5

Lord of Illusions 更多片名>

1995-08-25(美国)| 恐怖 惊悚 奇幻| 美国
上映时间:1995-08-25(美国) 类型: 恐怖 惊悚 奇幻
评分: 力荐



Nix: I was born to murder the world. Loomis: What's the story? Was the kid really possessed? Harry D'Amour: Probably. Loomis: You gonna tell me by what? Harry D'Amour: Oh, you know, the usual. Exorcised Boy: Taste the darkness, D'Amour, it's been waiting for you. Butterfield: You ever watched a man die? If you watch very closely, you can sometimes see the soul escaping. And if you're very quick, you can catch it. Harry D'Amour: I've signed on for all of them in my time, Catholic, Hindu, Moonies. Can't have too many saviors. Butterfield: Who did this, D'Amour? Who killed Swann? Dorothea: What ARE you? Nix: A man who wanted to become a god... then changed his mind. Nix: I've got so much power to give you, Swann. All you have to do is beg. Philip Swann: Fuck you. Nix: Are you ready for my wisdom?


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