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  • : Listen fuck face! I used to work for the city health department and you got so many violations in this flea trap that one phone call down town would put your ass in court so fast you wouldn't have time to wipe it let alone pull your pants up. Do you get my drift? Solly Mosler: Look, Miss Hoity-Toity. The woman can't answer the god damn door, because she's in her god damn bed. Is that god damn clear enough for ya? Mae: Give a man something to suck on and he's happy. Yoyo Charlie: So how's business? Crystal: Kinda like you Yoyo. Up and down. Get it? Vice cop: Well sweet thang, what's your name? Molly Stewart/Angel: Angel. Vice cop: Well Angel, I thought you and me could have us a little party. Molly Stewart/Angel: [laughs] I bet you would. Look buddy, I'm underage. Or are you one of those perverts who gets off on little girls? Lana: I don't know about you girls but I wanna get the hell out of this town. Somewhere there's clean air where you can breathe. I don't know, maybe Tahiti? Molly Stewart/Angel: Tahiti? Why Tahiti? Mae: Because the men use their dicks for oars. Kit Carson: Gawd Almighty! Molly Stewart/Angel: How much do you want to spend? Driver: About twenty bucks. Molly Stewart/Angel: [laughs] You have a good night. Driver: Hey! All's I wanted to do was borrow it, not buy it! Mae: [waving to Angel] Don't let fatso go yet! [to Vice Cop] Mae: Why don't you go home now and spank your monkey numb nuts? Mae: Sweetheart, I thought they busted you. Molly Stewart/Angel: I had porky made out the minute I got in the car. Mae: Two blind lesbians lost in a fish market. THAT is crazy. Get it? Mae: It's lean out there tonight. Molly Stewart/Angel: It's the murders Mae. It's got the Johns scared. Crystal: Why should the Johns be scared? It's the hookers that are getting killed. Mae: Ever see a man try to run away with his pants wrapped around his ankles? Tanya: Hey, do you think we should untie him? Roxie: Hell no. That's what he wanted. Tanya: That was the easiest hundred I ever made. Oops! I forgot my panties girl! [starts heading back to motel room] Roxie: [stops her] Don't bother. The old buzzard probably ate 'em. Molly Stewart/Angel: Do you have any idea what they do to unclaimed bodies? Kit Carson: No, I don't reckon I do. Molly Stewart/Angel: Oh, well... I don't know either but whatever it is, it can't be good. Mae: Well, we better get over there before she ends up in the tomb for the unknown hooker. Mae: Remind me never to get murdered! Ric Sawyer: [harrassing Molly] Oh, come on. You don't know what your missing Molly. Why do you think they call me "Razzle Dazzle"? [he grabs his crotch with one hand, afterward Molly slams his other hand in her locker] Ric Sawyer: Ow! My hand! You bitch! Lt. Andrews: You've been on the streets since you were twelve? Molly Stewart/Angel: It was easy. I just put on some sexy clothes and high heels and I went out and made a living. Lt. Andrews: Jesus Christ! Molly Stewart/Angel: [after seeing Ric wet himself] Look me up again Ric... when your toilet trained. Mae: When I was a kid my father warned me. He said, Rachel don't ever play cards with a Jewish dyke. They cheat! Solly Mosler: Eh, eat my puff will ya! Mae: Puff? Solly Mosler: Feh! The fuckin' mouth on that broad! Patricia Allen: I ment to ask you... that dress. Sacks? Mae: I Magnuns. Patricia Allen: Oh! Stunning. Mae: Thank you. I got it on sale. Solly Mosler: [Angel sees her new painting] I call it "Fruit with Gun". Lt. Andrews: You're young, attractive and healthy - and swimming in a toilet bowl! Patricia Allen: Listen, I don't know who's mother you are, but you're not Molly's. Mae: I'm not? Patricia Allen: No. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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