手下不留情 (1984)

  • 墨西哥 美国
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  • 动作  惊悚
  • 片       名手下不留情
  • 上映时间1984年04月27日
  • 导       演 杰·李·汤姆逊


  • Holland: He knows we're here. Rhiana Hidalgo: How could you tell? Holland: He didn't ask. Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: This is not your usual tourist attraction. Holland: We're not usual tourists. You know what I mean? Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: Aha... Life just gets dull and nothing like a little variety to spice things up. Holland: That's right. Nancy and me, we come from a small town up in Nebraska. And we always have to go someplace else for excitement and variety, you know? Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: Bart, just what kind of excitement are you looking for? Holland: You know, me and Nancy, we've been into a lot of things. We learned tricks you wouldn't believe. We've been into things like wife-swapping... You married? Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: No, I'm divorced. But remember, three's a company and four is definitely a crowd. Man, I am down for anything or anybody. Holland: Three is all right with me. Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: It's definitely all right with me. Randolph, Molloch's Bodyguard: You got a place? Holland: You bet. Rhiana Hidalgo: What are you going to do? Holland: I'm gonna rattle his cage. And when he sticks his neck out, I'll nail him. Dr. Hector Lomelin: Changed your mind, eh? Holland: Yeah, let's do it. Dr. Hector Lomelin: We haven't discussed your fee. Holland: Oh well, don't worry about it. I don't want the money. Rhiana Hidalgo: You read lips? Holland: Yes. Rhiana Hidalgo: I'm sorry. I now realize I was mistaken. Holland: Decided I don't look like a killer? Rhiana Hidalgo: I've decided I should keep my opinions to myself. Colonel Victor Aristos: Ah, Clement, a pleasure. And my dear senora Molloch. Please be seated. Dr. Clement Molloch: Why are we here, Aristos? Colonel Victor Aristos: Relax, Clement. May I offer you a drink? Claire, Molloch's Sister: Just mineral water. Colonel Victor Aristos: There is a problem, Clement. The Council for Central American States has just concluded its meetings in Costa Rica. Claire, Molloch's Sister: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Hypocrites. Every government represented condems my brother publicly and then welcomes him privately. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Colonel Victor Aristos: They have called for another meeting and study of human rights violations. Dr. Clement Molloch: Human rights violations? There is no such thing. There is only the security of the state and those who'd undermine that security. Colonel Victor Aristos: We must play the game. Claire, Molloch's Sister: What are you suggesting? Colonel Victor Aristos: A move. Claire, Molloch's Sister: My brother had a great deal to do with making this country secure, Victor. If his work should have earned us a welcome anywhere, it's here. Colonel Victor Aristos: I only reflect my president, senora. Cripple: Hey, mister, do you want some dope? Holland: Er? Cripple: I said, dope. Do you want any? Holland: Do you have elephant? Cripple: Heh? Holland: Do you have Mingtoydop? Cripple: Heh? Holland: I guess you don't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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