
  • Captain Klaus Woermann: Are you insane? Major Kaempffer: SS-Einsatzkommondo, Sturmbannfuhrer Kaempffer is what I am! < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • a name="qt0189775"> [Dr. Cuza meets the Demon of the Keep and explains Nazi aims to exterminate the Jews of Europe] Dr. Cuza: Then, what you sense is my fade in a death camp? Molasar: A place where people gather to die. Dr. Cuza: A place where people are murdered! Molasar: My people are murdered? Dr. Cuza: Yes! And others, from all over Europe! Molasar: Who does this? Dr. Cuza: Their Leader... in Berlin. And the soldiers in black. Molasar: I WILL DESTROY THEM! Molasar: You have... death around you. Major Kaempffer: What are you? Where do you come from? Molasar: Where am I from? I am... from You. Molasar: Obey me! Or I will return you to the diseased state I found you in!... and then I will kill BOTH of you! Eva Cuza: We're dealing with a Gnome! A Devil! Dr. Theodore Cuza: A Devil? Now you listen to me. The Devil in the Keep wears a black uniform, has a Death's Head in his cap, and calls himself a Sturmbannführer! Captain Klaus Woermann: What's all the shooting in the village, huh? Major Kaempffer: A civilian to be interrogated. He resisted, and was shot! Captain Klaus Woermann: Another civilian! The courageous Einsatzkommondo again is victorious! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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