
  • Benson: Yes, you have a great body. May I use it? [Alex is about to touch Hector's storage tube] Benson: No taction contact! Alex: You mean, "Don't touch?" Benson: I wish you would talk! You know you can; why won't you talk? Hector: NOT YET READY Benson: Why not? What have I done wrong? Hector: MURDER Benson: Not that! Blank that; that's not what I meant. Hector: BLANKED AS ORDERED Benson: That was an improper thought leakage. - What have I done wrong? Hector: YOU FAILED COURSE Benson: Don't get smart. Hector: WHAT SHALL I GET Benson: Are you aware of Alex? Hector: AFFIRMATIVE Benson: What do you think? Hector: BEAUTIFUL Benson: What do YOU know about it? Don't get ideas about your station, Hector. Hector: KILLER Benson: Now tell me. Can you talk? Or are you malfunctioning? Hector: I AM NOT MALFUNCTIONING - YOU ARE Benson: Saturn When they want to give the Solar System - Adam: - give the Solar System an enema, that's where they stick the tube in. We've heard that one! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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