British Intelligence (1940)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 爱情  惊悚  战争
  • 片       名British Intelli...
  • 上映时间1940年01月29日
  • 导       演 特里·O·莫尔斯


  • advertisement Helene Von Lorbeer, aka Frances Hautry: [hoping to meet Strendler] I'm so anxious to meet him, his work, his methods - a genius! Valdar, aka Karl Schiller: No! A symbol of blind duty! Helene Von Lorbeer, aka Frances Hautry: Or a complete patriot? Valdar, aka Karl Schiller: Perhaps he has no soul, no conscience, nothing! He'd kill you or me - for duty! [last lines] Arthur Benneft: But, tell me, Yeats, these sacrifices we are all making - do you think they will eventually mean something to mankind? Colonel James Yeats: I wish I were able to answer that question. We want to help humanity. We fight wars only because we crave peace so ardently and pray that each war will be the last. But always in the strange scheme of things some maniac with a lust for power arises and, in one moment, destroys the peace and tranquility we've created through the years. We hate war! We despise it, but when war comes, we must and will fight on and on. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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