
  • [repeated line] Sarousch: Lovely... Sarousch: Lovely... I'm rich! Rich! I wonder if they make diamond underwear. Esmeralda: Zephyr, you need to slow down. Zephyr [really slow]: Okay, Mom... Zephyr: Yuck. Quasimodo: Yeah. Yuck. Sarousch: What are you doing? Madellaine: Just standing here and looking pretty. Madellaine: He is NOT a monster, and I am NOT your trinket! Hugo: I hope it's not contagious! Hugo: And what's the bell... without the bell ringer? Phoebus: A string of robberies every time a circus comes to town. Coincidence? I don't think so. How many times have I ever been wrong? [Achilles neighs, and counts on his hoof] Phoebus: Achilles... that was a rhetorical question. Phoebus: How many times has this happened to me? [Achilles counts on his hoof] Phoebus: Rhetorical! [to Quasimodo] Madellaine: You have a way with kids. Sarousch: What do you think will go better with my eyes? Sapphires or diamonds? [Madellaine sneezes] Gargoyles: Gesundheit! Madellaine: Oh, thank you. Hugo: You're welcome! [Laverne bonks him on the head] Hugo: Ow! Quasimodo: You saw the way she looked at me. Laverne: Well, get her to look again, kid! Quasimodo: Do you believe in miracles? Laverne: Miracles? I don't know what you're saying, Quasi. What kind of miracles? Quasimodo: Oh, just plain, ordinary miracles. They happen every day! Laverne: Go on out there, kid! Quasimodo: I-I-I can't! Hugo: Sure, you can! Victor: Open your mouth! Something will come out! [Quasimodo stutters] Hugo: Nothing came out! Victor: What does one wear to the circus? Quasimodo: Nothing. Hugo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daring! Maybe not for the first date though. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • bd1 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Victor: What does one wear to a carnival event? Quasimodo: Nothing. Hugo: Daring, ha! Maybe a bit pushy for a first date. Quasimodo: What are you doing? Zephyr: Nothing. You were making google eyes at your girlfriend. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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