Oh, Susanna! (1936)

  • 美国
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  • 爱情  西部
Oh, Susanna!
  • 片       名Oh, Susanna!
  • 上映时间1936年08月19日(美国)
  • 导       演 Joseph Kan...
  • 又       名Oh, Susanna!
  • 编       剧 Oliver Dra...


  • advertisement Flash Baldwin: Hank and I were beginning to get worried when you didn't show up, Wolf. We thought maybe you'd run into the law again. Wolf Benson: I did. The prison break worked out just as you had it framed, but I ran smack into a sheriff's posse. If I hadn't caught the hind end of the Limited and traded places with Autry, I'd be stretched with a rope by now. Flash Baldwin: This Autry is a radio singer, isn't he? Wolf Benson: He was until I knocked him out and threw his body out the train window. Now Wolf Benson's dead and I'm Gene Autry! Gene Autry aka Tex Smith: But I tell you, I'm Gene Autry! Deputy Sheriff: And I'm Bing Crosby. [singing] Deputy Sheriff: Boo-boo-boo-boo! Frog Millhouse: Boo-boo yourself. [reading a wanted poster] Prof. Ezekial Daniels: Five thousand dollar reward for the capture of Gene Autry, wanted dead or alive for the murder of Jefferson Lee. Frog Millhouse: Jefferson Lee? Don't he own that ranch where we're goin'? Gene Autry aka Tex Smith: yes and he was one of the best friends I ever had. Wolf Benson must have gone to the dude ranch masquerading as me and when Lee couldn't be fooled he killed him. Prof. Ezekial Daniels: Well, the murderer has certainly placed you in an exceedingly dangerous position, Gene. You have to capture him before you can identify yourself. Frog Millhouse: That's right! The star packers in this part of the country shoot first and talk later. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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