Hands Across the Table (1935)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情
Hands Across the Table
  • 片       名Hands Across th...
  • 上映时间1935年10月25日(美国)
  • 导       演 米切尔莱森


  • [Ted suggests temporarily becoming Regi's platonic roommate] Regi: Well, I'm not *that* unconventional. Ted Drew: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Aw, don't be old-fashioned. What are conventions anyway? Just a bunch of salesmen sitting around and telling stories. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Regi: It was lovely of you, but taking taxis when you haven't any money is a little foolish, isn't it? Ted Drew: Foolish? Why, I had to take a taxi. I couldn't go out in this pouring rain and get my only suit all wet, could I? Regi: Where's your overcoat? Ted Drew: Ohhh, spending a little time in the pawnshop... Regi: Well, why did you pawn your overcoat? Ted Drew: Why, to pay for the taxi, of course. Dope! Regi: We're exactly alike. Ted Drew: No, ha ha, oh no, your hair is much... Regi: We are! We're both trying to do the same thing: marry for money. Ted Drew: Is that what you want to do? Regi: Mm-hmm. Ted Drew: Oh, no, you're too nice for that. Regi: Well, I don't want to spend the rest of my life working in a barber shop. Ted Drew: Well, but to go out in cold blood and deliberately marry somebody for money, that's no good. Regi: Well, what are you doing? Ted Drew: Well... Well, it's different for me: I'm a heel! Regi: Well, did I ever say I wasn't one? Ted Drew: Oh, father's living abroad. He has an amazing ability for borrowing money from practically total strangers. Unfortunately, that ability isn't hereditary. Regi: How could the Drews be broke? Ted Drew: Well, do you remember that thing called the Crash? Regi: Yes. Ted Drew: Well, that was us. Laura: Yeah, and maybe here's that ten million dollars you've been dreaming about. Regi: The way I feel today, I'd settle for a million. Regi: You must have a lot of friends that could give you a job. Ted Drew: That'd be a fine friend who'd give you a job. No friend of mine had better try anything like that on me. Allen Macklyn: When a man's in love with a woman, he shouldn't keep it a secret. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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