Before I Hang (1940)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 犯罪  恐怖  科幻
Before I Hang
  • 片       名Before I Hang
  • 上映时间1940年09月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 Nick Grind...


  • advertisement Dr. John Garth: Someday, somehow, medical science will find a way to end the needless, ghastly suffering caused by the ravages of age! Dr. John Garth: And when my body is brought back from the autopsy room, apply the tests that i've outlined to you. Dr. Ralph Howard: But... Dr. John Garth: ...and you must forget that we've worked together, that we are friends. You must go on! Learn what you can from the study of my heart, my brain, and my blood! Dr. John Garth: There's a curtain, a wall I can't get through. Dr. John Garth: Well, you want to go on living, don't you? Victor Sondini: Why, I've had a very full life, I... After all, man's span of life is only supposed to be threescore and ten. Dr. John Garth: Who made that rule? George, your old age is a disease, and I can cure it! Victor Sondini: You know, it's not so easy to say the end is coming - the fire is burned out! Capt. McGraw: Dr. Garth, whatever he is, is the first man I've ever met who was polite to me and still made the chills run up and down my spine! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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