血娃娃 (1999)

  • 美国
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  • 恐怖
  • 片       名血娃娃
  • 上映时间1999年08月31日(美国)
  • 导       演 查尔斯·班德


  • Cindy Agami: [looking at Pimp Doll] My, how racist. Virgil Travis: It's surprising how even rudeness can be pleasant coming from an attractive woman. I am, of course, racist, but an equal opportunity one. [shows off the Sideshow doll] Virgil Travis: Have you ever lost a billion dollars due to the ineptitude of a pair of over-priced shysters? Please don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. Cindy Agami: That's not at all fair. Virgil Travis: Indeed. Well, no one ever claimed that life was fair. And certainly no one ever claimed that I was. Hylas: Play! Play number seven, you bitches! Harrison Yulin: Goddamn, I'll drink to that all right. Drink to myself. Mmm-hmm. Virgil Travis: Secrets are best kept in the grave, and Mister Yulin may keep his there. Along with the other two. And with the able assistance of my new creations, and your's as well, Mister Mascaro... I shall have my cookie after all. Harrison Yulin: Travis may be a bit eccentric, but shoot, do you really think he'd go and, hmm, murder people? Moira Yulin: Why not? We've had people murdered. Harrison Yulin: What? Huh. We have? Who? George Warbeck: What the hell's going on, Squires? The power's down. Squires: Yes, sir, we're checking it out right now to confirm ... George Warbeck: Confirm my spotty dick! George Warbeck: What the hell's the story, Squires? I'm still in the fucking stone age down here. Squires: The electrician's here now, sir. I'm currently doing a room sweep to confirm our integrity. George Warbeck: Oh, confirm my hairy ass! Mr. Mascaro: [strangling security guard] Two kinds of people I know about, little man - The kind that piss their pants when you kill them, and the kind that don't. Now, which kind do you think you are? [guard dies, Mascaro looks down at the body] Mr. Mascaro: Pisser. Mr. Mascaro: [putting his clown makeup back on after being "in disguise" without it] It's good to get out of that costume. Moira Yulin: There is no "we", Harrison, there's only me. And a sloppy, man-shaped appendage - you. Moira Yulin: Is there anything in this world more pathetic than a man? I think not. Virgil Travis: I am nothing. I am an emptiness, and like all emptiness I struggle perpetually to be filled. I draw in wealth, power, sensation, but still I am empty. Still I am nothing. Take care, Miss Yulin, lest you be sucked in as well. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You see, even we who are destined to dwell in the mud can still long for the sky. Moira Yulin: And what do you see when you look in the sky, Virgil? Nothing. Emptiness. Life is down here, with all the lying and killing and fucking. Virgil Travis: My life gives me no more pleasure. And when a thing ceases to please me, I rid myself of it. Mr. Mascaro: One moment, please, ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls. By all rights we should be showing the end credits right now, but we have a bit of an awkward problem. You see, we came up with two endings for this story and we couldn't decide between them. What you just saw a minute ago, that's one. Moira is tortured, the girls and the dolls get away, and the rest of us all die. OK. I can see the cynical appeal. But being as I am a fundamentally spiritual person, I prefer the following, rather different ending to our proceedings... Mr. Mascaro: This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Anybody make it not-so-happy, then I'm not gonna be happy! Moira Yulin: I wanted to despise you and dominate you, because I thought you were just a man, and men are only worthy of being despised and dominated. [last lines] Mr. Mascaro: Play 'em, Hylas. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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