
  • Sherry: Mr. Gartley, do something! Bill Gartley: Do somethin'? [to Lin Sue] Bill Gartley: She wants me to do something! [to Sherry] Bill Gartley: I'll do somethin'! I'll do a little DANCE! That's what I'll do! I'll do a little jig for ya, Sherry! [after seeing Mrs. Frawley get crushed by the mangler] Bill Gartley: Ah, Frawley, you stupid old bitch. Always getting in the way. Goddamn it, goddamn it, goddamn it! Mark Jackson: Have you considered the possibility that the machine may be haunted? Officer John Hunton: Oh yeah, Mark, that's the first thing that popped into my mind! Officer John Hunton: It folded her like a sheet Mark! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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