The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 恐怖  科幻
  • 片       名The Brain That ...
  • 上映时间1962年08月10日
  • 导       演 Joseph Gre...
  • 剧       情
    After a car crash, a man keeps his wife's head alive in his laboratory. As if this weren't enough, an evil beast pounds and screams from a l...


  • Kurt: The paths of experimentation twist and turn through mountains of miscalculations and often lose themselves in error and darkness! Jan Compton: Nothing you can be is more terrible than what I am. Kurt: You're nothing but a freak of life! And, a freak of death! Jan Compton: And what else has happened to it? Kurt: What do you mean, *what else*? Well, it's... It's mutated some, of course. It's changed considerably. Dr. Bill Cortner: Oh, come on now, Doris. Do I look like a maniac who goes around killing girls? Blonde Stripper: [hands on hips] You lousy tramp! Once in a blue moon I liken to a guy with class and *you* mess it up! Brunet Stripper: Eh! What makes you think you had him? He wouldn't have you on a bet! Blonde Stripper: [hands still on hips] Says who? Brunet Stripper: Says me! What's a guy like that want with *leftovers* for? Blonde Stripper: *Leftovers*? [blonde stripper goes to slap the brunette stripper and a man's hand appears on screen slapping the brunette stripper] Brunet Stripper: [puts hand to face in shock] Why you cheap third grade stripper! [catfight ensues between the two strippers] Brunet Stripper: Ow! Let go! Blonde Stripper: Don't you ever call me that again! Oooh! Brunet Stripper: I'll mash you on the butt! Blonde Stripper: Try! Brunet Stripper: Oh, I'll try! [camera cuts to shot of a tapestry with cats on it and a voice says "Meow!"] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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