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The Mysterious Mr. Wong

The Mysterious Mr. Wong (1934) 4.7

1934-12-22(美国)| 灾难 恐怖| 美国
上映时间:1934-12-22(美国) 类型: 灾难 恐怖
评分: 力荐

Investigating a series of murders in Chinatown, wise-guy reporter Jason Barton is captured by the megalomaniacal Mr. Wong, desperately tryin...更多>


Mr. Wong: A few hours with the rats will loosen his tongue to tell the truth! Mr. Wong: Your success may turn to bitterness and you may wish you had not meddled with the affairs of Wong. Editor: Did you ever run into a Chinaman by the name of Wong? Barton: Have I ever run into one that ain't named Wong? Officer McGillicuddy: All right, what is it you want? Barton: The Globe sent me over to do this murder. Officer McGillicuddy: Too late, it's already been done. Barton: Say, can I call you by my last name? Peg: I'll have to think about it. Barton: What's the matter? Don't you love me? Peg: I guess I could learn to. Barton: How long will it take ya to get started? It's 11:30 now.

The Mysterious Mr. Wong

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