
嗜血成性、精神变态的法尔弗莱一家在腐气十足的家中迎来了一个慵懒的清晨,奥蒂斯(比尔•默瑟利 饰)与一具曾是美丽女人的腐尸一块儿舒适地蜷伏在床上,妹妹芭比(谢莉•穆恩•赞比 饰)正和老妈一同回忆着金发碧眼的自己幼年时的可爱模样...更多>


[repeated line] Grant Mazzy: Sydney Briar is alive. Share this quote Sydney Briar: [to Grant Mazzy] Kill me. Share this quote Sydney Briar: We're not talking, I'm drunk. This is how my last relationship ended. Share this quote Sydney Briar: Oh, God. You're gonna eat me soon, aren't you? Share this quote Laurel Ann: Let's make radio. Share this quote Grant Mazzy: It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of the day. Share this quote [first lines] Grant Mazzy: Mrs. French's cat is missing. The signs are posted all over town. "Have you seen Honey?" We've all seen the posters, but nobody has seen Honey the cat. Nobody. Until last Thursday morning, when Miss Colette Piscine swerved her car to miss Honey the cat as she drove across a bridge. Well this bridge, now slightly damaged, is a bit of a local treasure and even has its own fancy name; Pont de Flaque. Now Collette, that sounds like Culotte. That's Panty in French. And Piscine means Pool. Panty pool. Flaque also means pool in French, so Colete Piscine, in French Panty Pool, drives over the Pont de Flaque, the Pont de Pool if you will, to avoid hitting Mrs. French's cat that has been missing in Pontypool. Pontypool. Pontypool. Panty pool. Pont de Flaque. What does it mean? Well, Norman Mailer, he had an interesting theory that he used to explain the strange coincidences in the aftermath of the JFK assasination. In the wake of huge events, after them and before them, physical details they spasm for a moment; they sort of unlock and when they come back into focus they suddenly coincide in a weird way. Street names and birthdates and middle names, all kind of superfluous things appear related to eachother. It's a ripple effect. So, what does it mean? Well... it means something's going to happen. Something big. But then, something's always about to happen. Share this quote Grant Mazzy: [On Air] Now, in our top story of today, a big, cold, dull, dark, white, empty, never-ending blow my brains out, seasonal affective disorder freaking kill me now weather-front, that'll last all day - or maybe - when the wind shifts later on, we'll get a little greenhouse gas relief from the industrial south. HAIL MARY, yea though I walk - we go to Ken Loney - in the Sunshine chopper. Ken Loney: [Over Speaker] It's always brighter above the clouds Grant! Share this quote Loudspeaker voice: Dix. Neuf. Huit. Sept. Six. Cinq. Quatre. Trois. Deux. Un. [Screen goes blank] Share this quote


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