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The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses

The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of...

2007-04-09(匈牙利)| 动画 冒险 家庭| 美国
上映时间:2007-04-09(匈牙利) 类型: 动画 冒险 家庭
评分: 力荐

While trying to obtain "Tree Sweets", Littlefoot into the tree and knocks down all the blossoms, which attract the tiny dinosaurs, T...更多>


Topsy: Cera, are you awake? Look, I um... it's just... I, um... It's just that... Oh, this is so much harder than yelling. Look, Tria is an old friend and she doesn't have anyone. She needs protection and she's really nice. What I mean is... Well, she likes me and I like her. Cera: But I want things back the way they were before. When you didn't like anybody and nobody likes you. Topsy: I don't think things are ever going to be that way again. Cera: Hmm! [Cera sniffles and tears come out of her eyes] Narrator: Cera, are you awake? Look, I um... it's just... I, um... It's just that... Oh, this is so much harder than yelling. Look, Tria is an old friend and she doesn't have anyone. She needs protection and she's really nice. What I mean is... Well, she likes me and I like her. Cera: But I want things back the way they were before. When you didn't like anybody and nobody likes you. Narrator: I don't think things are ever going to be that way again. Cera: Hmm! [Cera sniffles and tears come out of her eyes] Littlefoot: And they swarmed all over the tree just like a bunch of little creepy-crawlers. Only a lot bigger and... Cera: Okay, okay. Nobody really cares. Littlefoot: Hey, who is that with your dad, anyway? They sure looked friendly. [Cera looks furious] Littlefoot: Have you known her long? Hey, you think maybe he likes her? [Cera grows more furious] Littlefoot: Is she gonna be your new mom? [Cera strikes out at Littlefoot with rage] Cera: No! Are you crazy? No, no, NO! [Cera chases Littlefoot, who hides behind a log, and hits a bush, scattering all the leaves, and pants with intense anger] Littlefoot: Sorry! I was only asking. Cera: Well, don't ever ask again! Hmm! Littlefoot: Well, okay, sure. You wanna look for tiny Longnecks now? Cera: NO! [Echoes] Littlefoot: Probably a waste of time, anyway. How can you find something that little in a valley this big? Littlefoot: They call me Littlefoot. Skitter: You've gotta be kidding me! Big Daddy: At least we won't have to deal with any of the big ones out here. [two Velociraptors appear] Big Daddy: Of course, I could be wrong. Petrie: So, Cera... You mad that you no get first bite of tree sweets? Cera: WHAT DO YOU THINK?


[Petrie flies off-screen]


Petrie: Me think... yes.

The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses

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