
姆指仙童历险记 (2002) 5.1

The Adventures of Tom Thumb & Thumbelina

2002-08-06(美国)| 家庭 动画 经典| 美国
上映时间:2002-08-06(美国) 类型: 家庭 动画 经典
评分: 力荐



Daniel: What do ya see, Godfrey? What do ya see? Godfrey: The usual, Daniel, the usual. The usual insects, amphibians, indigenous plant life, raccoon guano, tiny girl floating in a sardine can. [both nod, satisfied, and retreat into the hole. after a few seconds, both return] Godfrey, Daniel: Tiny girl floating in a sardine can? The Mole King: My bride is AWOL! I want her back, tout de suite! Understood? Daniel: Eh, not sure I grasp the French, but I'm with you on the general meaning. Daniel: I was the chambermaid last time! Godfrey: And you did such a good job! The snood suits you. Daniel: Eh, I thought it was a nice touch. Thumbelina: Why do you stay? He's so cruel to you. Godfrey: Well, he may be a fascist, but... Godfrey, Daniel: He's our fascist. Bertha Beetle: This is all your fault! Thumbelina: Explain to me how this could possibly be my fault! Bertha Beetle, Margaret Beetle: Some things just ARE. Bertha Beetle: Put your arms into it! Margaret Beetle: [sarcastically] No, I'm doing it with my head!


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