"CardCaptors" (2000)

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  • 动画  家庭  奇幻


  • Sakura: Exactly, who do you think you are anyway, Li? Li: You'd be surprised. Tori: Don't pick on my sister, kid. Why don't you go home before someone gets hurt? Namely you... Keroberos: You ought to thank me! I gave you a personality! Madison: I think I would rather ride a hundred miles in a car with Li Showron than attempt the three sixty. Keroberos: Someone has a pretty fantastic imagination and isn't afraid to use it. Julian: Hey, nice sprint, Sakura. Tori: That's nothing. You should see her when it's dinner! Li: You're still just a stuffed animal. Keroberos: Hey, kid! I dare you to say that again! Sakura: Now, come on you two. Li: I'll take that dare! Stuffed animal! Stuffed animal! Stuffed animal! Li: Element: Fire! Come to my aid! Li: Force, know my plight, release the light! Sakura: Oh, Key of Clow... power of magic... power of light... surrender the wand... the force ignite! [about Kero] Li: If he can fly, I can fly! I can do anything he can! [about being attacked by the Freeze card] Sakura: That was some skating lesson. Li: Yeah, learning under pressure! Keroberos: Rita may be your friend, but the Sword card is most definitely not! Sakura: Have a good weekend! Eli: Mine's going to be a lot better than yours... [about his bike] Tori: Just stay off it, okay? Sakura: Don't worry. My feet don't even reach the pedals! Tori: I'm really lucky to have a dinosaur for a little sister! Meilin: You may have that stuffed animal, but Li Showron is mine! [Tori is playing Cinderella in a play] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 23 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Tori 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [emotionless] Oh, how I wish I could go to the ball... Li: I don't think he wants to go. Li: Don't mess with things you don't understand, Sakura... Meilin: From that day on, I knew how big his heart really was... of course he didn't speak to me again for a month. Sakura: That sounds like the Li I know. [about Li] Keroberos: I still don't see why we had to bring him along. Sakura: Because, Kero, I gave him my word that if anything else strange happened to us, I would call him. Besides, we could use Li's help. Keroberos: I guess it wouldn't hurt to have him here after all... Li: Just what does that mean? Keroberos: ...yeah, we may need someone to carry our things. Sakura: I don't need you here! Li: You're no cardcaptor! Layla Mackenzie: Strength is found in many different ways. [about Sakura] Li: I can't just stand here and watch her get hurt! Keroberos: You must have faith. She is stronger than she seems. Li: I can get my own Clow cards. I don't need you [walks away and comes back] Li: . I need to get across the river. [a gigantic cat is snuggling against Li] Li: Stop it, cat! I'm armed here! Madison: Well, Li seems to have made a friend. Madison: Pink looks really good on you, Li. Li: No it doesn't! And nobody said anything about me having to wear some stupid, frilly dress! Madison: But you're the princess. Li: And what's the deal with all this curly, yellow hair? I really hate being a princess! Sakura: Are you okay? Li: Well, I've been better... Yue: I see you have a determined spirit, Sakura... however... I am not as sentimental as Keroberos. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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