Annie (1999)

  • 美国
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  • 家庭  喜剧  经典
  • 片       名Annie
  • 上映时间1999年11月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 罗伯·马歇尔


  • Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks: Annie, I love you as if you were my own little girl. I want to adopt you. Would you consider it? Annie: It's just that I love my real mother and father so much. I don't know if I could love anybody else. Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks: I understand, but if you could find a place in your heart for me... Molly: I want my mommy and daddy. Pepper: Uh, Molly, we ain't got mommies and daddies, and we ain't never gonna have 'em. That's why we're called orphans. Annie: Leapin' Lizards! Just look at this joint! [Lily is looking down at her handcuffs and yelling at Rooster] Lily: Well, it ain't Easy Street, but at least I'm wearing silver! Lily: Oliver Warbucks... the millionaire? Miss Hannigan: No, the billionaire, you dumb hotel. Lily: Ms. Lily St. Regis. I was named after the hotel. Miss Hannigan: Which floor? Kate: Mr. Bundles rolled Annie out with the dirty laundry! Miss Hannigan: Ok, Missy. I don't ever want you to do this again. So you're going to scrub every inch of this dump with this? [She's holding a dirty toothbrush] Miss Hannigan: Glad you're back? Annie: Yes, Miss. Hannigan. [Tries to take the toothbrush from her] Miss Hannigan: [Pulls back the toothbrush] Liar. What's the one thing I always taught you? Annie: Never tell a lie. Miss Hannigan: That's right. Miss Hannigan: Ok, Missy. I don't ever want you to do this again. So you're going to scrub every inch of this dump with this. [Holds out a dirty toothbrush] Miss Hannigan: Glad you're back? Annie: Yes, Miss. Hannigan. [Reaches for the toothbrush] Miss Hannigan: [Pulling the toothbrush back] Liar. What's the one thing I always taught you? Annie: Never tell a lie. Miss Hannigan: That's right. Miss Grace Farrell: Excuse me, I was told I'd find a Miss. Hannigan here? Miss Hannigan: And who might you'd be? Miss Grace Farrell: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I'm Grace Farrell the Board of Orphans... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Miss Hannigan: Look, there was some sort of mistake. Somehow, Annie got into the laundry basket. One thing led to another and I had to call the cops. Please don't fire me! Miss Grace Farrell: I think you have me confused with somebody else. Miss Hannigan: Oh, I get it. Uh, listen honey, if you're peddling beauty products I don't need any. Miss Grace Farrell: Miss. Hannigan I don't peddle anything. I'm personal secretary to Mr. Oliver Warbucks. President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Annie, I have some news for you. Oliver. [He shakes Oliver's hand] President Franklin D. Roosevelt: The FBI was able to trace your parents to a David and Margaret Bennett. Annie: You mean the Bennetts are my real parents? Where are they? Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks: Annie, I'm sorry. It seems that they passed away some time ago. Annie: So, I really am an orphan. [She walks away and Grace follows her] Miss Grace Farrell: Annie, are you alright? Annie: [Annie turns around] Yeah, I think so. See, I always knew that parents loved me and that they would come back for me someday. If they were alive. [She has a teardrop in her eye and Grace hugs her] Annie: I guess you have to look at the bright side. At least I'm not a Mudge. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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