"Archie's Weird Mysteries" (1999)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  家庭  奇幻
"Archie's Weird Mysteries"
  • 片       名"Archie's W...
  • 上映时间1999年10月02日(美国)


  • Archie Andrews: [at the end of every episode] In a little town called Riverdale. Veronica Lodge: My pendant! Jughead Jones: My Peanut! Archie Andrews: My goodness! Veronica Lodge: [has been transformed into a vampire] It's your old friend, Vampronica! Archie Andrews: I think I just put my hand where too many hamburgers have gone before. Dilton Doiley: We'll be back faster than you can say, "Pythagorean Theorem." Archie Andrews: You sat in front of that television for 12 hours? Jughead Jones: That's why they call it a marathon. Archie Andrews: No, that's why they call it the boob tube! Betty Cooper: Veronica, never go running into a crowd of you! Veronica Lodge: I am the only one who is still me... Well, technically everyone else is me. Jughead Jones: Why do houses burn down but paper burns up? If "he" is a "him", why isn't "she" a "shim"? Reggie Mantle: Archie, Jughead! My pals! [to werewolf] Reggie Mantle: Eat *them*! Eat *them*! Archie Andrews: One of us should get the girls to the car, while the other distracts the monster. Jughead Jones: Good plan. See ya. Archie Andrews: Wait! Aren't you going to volunteer to stay behind? Jughead Jones: Sorry, I'm allergic to fur and having my legs ripped off. Reggie Mantle: Great. I finally meet a girl who likes me, and it turns out she's the teacher who made me retake geography in summer school. Archie Andrews: Reggie, why do you have to always point up everyone's mistakes? Reggie Mantle: Because I'm better than everyone. Archie Andrews: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [about Reggie] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • He's got a case of terminal jerkiositude. Veronica Lodge: What happened to the good old days when Jughead was the only weirdo in town? Reggie Mantle: [Reggie is a vampire - points to teeth] Sharp as ever! Betty Cooper: Unlike your brain, which is as dull as ever. Jughead Jones: Hi, Reggie. Reggie Mantle: [dressed as a werewolf] Ah, man! How did you know it was me? Jughead Jones: Besides the fact that you've always come to Veronica's parties dressed up as a werewolf? Reggie Mantle: I just kill me! Archie Andrews: I understand the impulse. Reggie Mantle: Hey, Pop, speed it up! I'm burning daylight here. I've got people to go, and places to meet! Jughead Jones: Bad mutated alligator! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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